Millian's HoS app!
Usual character name: Millian Fletcher
BYOND username: NightmarechaMillian
Discord username (if you are on our discord): 1inamillian

Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: 1, 3, Nightshade 1 and 2
Reason for application:
I think I'd be a good fulltime HoS! I'm approved to play HoS on the nightshade whitelist, and always have a blast playing friday HoS on RP and main, and would like to make the step to full-time head of security! Telling new secoffs about discs and pinpointers, coordinating the team in times of crisis, approving staffie mc jhonson's wild and whacky glass table ride, blasting the clown with my lawbringer on clownshot, and subjecting criminal scum to thirty seconds of hard, hard prison time is always a blast!

In recent months, I've been busy with the semester and haven't been very active. However! I've finally gotten all the hard credits out of the way. With summer in full swing and plenty of inexperienced sec players to teach, it feels like now's as good a time as any for me to apply.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

I've been playing since 2020, which means I've played a lot of sec over the years, even if it's been a bit on and off. I like playing sec! Whether it's desperately trying to take down a rampager as the last surviving officer, or chatting with a suspect in interrogation on slow rounds, there's never a dull moment.

As mentioned earlier as well, I've also already played a fair bit of head of security! I'm speaking for myself a little here, but the folks on nightshade seem to enjoy my presence, and I haven't had any bad experiences with people as friday HoS, either.

Answer two or more of the following:

  • What advice would you give to other sec players?

Get silly with punishments! If someone's being a pain in the ass, but they haven't committed any severe or significant crimes, you don't have to choose between brig time and letting them walk free! Confiscate shoe privileges, give the clown an omega-ultra-giga swirly, put the stinky staff assistant into the washing machines, sentence crimers to the HEINOUS and CRUEL punishment of one (1) second in the brig!

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

My favorite recent Security round was playing either HoS or NTSC (I can't remember) on an RP3 kondaru round.

The round had been quiet thus far, a few skeletons in chapel and clown attempting to join the security force. The clown's application was ultimately denied, as the moment he walked into sec, he looked directly down the barrel of a riotlauncher, shot himself with a smoke grenade, and then accidentally set off a capcasin grenade in the sec lobby. After convening with the security force, we kicked the clown out. Seeing there was an open slot, a stowaway asked if he could join, and after interviewing him, I got him geared up with an assistant loadout from the armory and a full secass uniform from the clothing vendor, then sent him off to HoP.

After loafing around in sec's reception desk, I got a distress alert from one of the officers in escape. I arrived a little late to the scene, but walked by pool to a bleeding officer with an arrested crewmember and some .22 casings/blood spatters on the floor. I relieved the officer of the suspect, told them to get to med, and walked with the rest of the sec team to brig.

The suspect in question was very obviously a new antag. Their backpack had entirely unhidden traitor loot of a .22 pistol, omnitool, and garrotte wire. Since it was still a bit early in the round and he got caught on his first crime, period, I "accidentally" passed over the omnitool and one .22 magazine, but put the rest in contraband and left the skipped-gear containing backpack in the brig locker.

As I was telling him about the sentencing procedures and how he'd be free after a minute or two, he made it VERY clear that he wanted a trial and claimed that the silenced .22 pistol often found in the hands of syndicate assassins was, in fact, an heirloom from his grandma. I obliged his request, though after asking around in the radio, there didn't seem to be any laywers responding, so I set out in search of a suitable candidate. Not a minute later, I ran into the clown from before, and asked him if he was interested in a law career.

The clown asked me what a law was and whether or not he could eat it. I hired him on the spot and gave the two some time in the interrogation room to strategize, knowing full well it'd be a damn easy trial.

After they reached out over comms and told me they were ready, we proceeded with the trial. To my dismay, the clown proved a damn good laywer, pulling every trick in the book (including the baseless accusation that I only hired him because I thought he'd be incompetent).

Things took a turn for the even worse when a mysterious figure in a syndicate redsuit walked into the courtroom, took off his spacesuit to reveal a lawyer's costume, and declared that he'd "ensure his client walked free one way or another".

Before anyone could react, he placed a hacked mining charge on the accused's holding cell and blew it open and the prisoner escaped into the hallway.

As acting bailiff, I chased the fraudulent lawyer into maint. After a harrowing, down-to-the-wire fight involving a toolbox, starstone-tipped spear, my baton being disarmed, and a flash, I emerged successful with the perpetrator in cuffs.

He Looc'd about the fact that his freedom implant wasn't working, and after we troubleshooted for a moment, he was able to get it working and slip away a total of fifteen feet before I re-arrested him.

Taking him into holding- and using the port-a-brig this time- I stunned him, pinned him, and began searching his inventory. He quickly escaped my grasp, grabbed a mining charge from his belt, and then blew a whole clean through the brig's plasmaglass window. And then promptly tripped on plasmaglass shards and got re-arrested.

It was at this moment that he told me he would serve the syndicate into the grave; there would be no turning a new leaf, no quiet prison sentence. I knew what had to be done: an execution.

Still, buckling a prisoner to a chair in sec podbay and gunning him down didn't really sit right with me. Instead, I offered him a bargain: A hell-in-a-cell cage match to the death in the boxing ring, and in the slim chance he won, he'd walk free. We agreed no batons off harm intent and no flashes, and after a doctor healed him up and I blocked off the only two exits, the match started.

Once again, he proved himself to be a capable opponent, especially with that starstone spear of his. Nonetheless, it wasn't anything two well-placed lethal shots, a quick rope drop, and finishing him with his spear couldn't fix. Ordering the body to be taken to robotics, I deconstructed the blockades and made my way to the shuttle.

Where I was immediately and severely robusted by a pair of staff assistants in the halls of centcomm. As is tradition.

  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?

I don't think we need any benefits for security players! Sec feels remarkably well balanced in just about every gamemode there is.

Still, one change I'd like to see is an alteration to the health/crit alerts secoffs get. Having two alerts and the distress button makes it hard to kill secoffs in any way other than going loud. A change I'd like to see is them being mutually exclusive: if someone sends their alert, their implant doesn't send a crit/death alert until the cooldown is over. Vice versa, too: if the crit alert goes out, it puts the distress alert on cooldown (maybe lowered).

  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun)

  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I've always wanted to set off either the donut3 or oshan nuke during a round where the station gets overrun. I always love being a head of staff during disastrous rounds, and convening with a handful of other survivors in armory and making the solemn decision to take the threat with us seems like fun RP. I get why it isn't ever done, though.

  • Draw a picture!
    [Image: clownwash.png]
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

About two(??) years ago, I got a 1-hour ban for trash talking someone as a ghost spider in deadchat. Not my proudest moment, but I feel like I've come a ways since then.

Oops! I somehow, someway missed the INCREDIBLY obvious 300 word requirement for the security experience. I'll do this quick, speedround-style:

Arresting: Don't ever use a baton in a chase, if they get disarm-happy, whip out the flash; always help or grab intent on arrests. If the antag's feisty or dangerous (a la changeling), use the portabrig, but always ensure you take them out of it.

Brigging/stripping: Contraband always goes in the locker unless it's early in the shift (and even then only the least harmful things), or they're doing an obviously harmless gimmick. Take the backpack/belt off and toss it in the brig's locker, make sure to lock that, and set a timer (tell them the sentence length and how they can get their stuff back).

Executions: Never ever ever do an execution unless there's no alternatives. Exiles and demotions are tragically underused alternatives and have the bonus of being fun for all parties involve. If you gotta, pin and harmbaton, or take to robotics to be debrained. Always play it up in character so it's fun.

Coordinating: Be chatting with the sec team over radio. If it's early or they haven't done anything especially harmful, you don't always have to call out folks as an antag. Say they were acting suspicious or they had some weird stuff on them to the sec team, even if you know for a fact that's a traitor. Let folks know why you're setting people to arrest, let folks know who you have in custody, let folks know when you've released someone back onto the station.

Teamwork: If an alert's sent, ask if they're okay over radio as you're on the way. Group up! On ling rounds, or if you're moving out to make an arrest, see if you can't get a secass or fellow officer to back you up. If you have a choice between saving a fellow officer and getting the antag, always save the officer.

Conversely, don't overcrowd. The entire sec team convening on a single traitor and waiting for them to make a play should be a lot rarer than it is.

We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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