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Change the auth disk effect on the nuke
currently auth disk removes or adds 3 minutes to the nuke timer depending on who uses it. i dont like this for a couple reasons

1. inconsistent nuke detonation timing is confusing and inhibits crew prep capability (if i don't know whether it's going to be 10 minutes or 7, i don't know how much time i have to run to armory and gear up or quickly finish some job tasks to get stronger)

2. (the more important one) timer goalpost shifting isn't particularly fun or interesting, for nuke ops authing the nuke just gives you less time to have fun with your nuke op roll and gives crew less time to have fun responding to you, and when crew auths, it either does nothing because crew was already stomping, or makes a nukies win take even longer (ops have to sit for 3 minutes extra in an empty station)

my suggestion is that the auth disk should instead modify the bomb's health. for thematics you can probably just say it's special software needed to activate shielding on the bomb (and if crew inserts the disk, the shielding malfunctions and harms the bomb)

(this theming has the added bonus of providing a reason to have authed nuke sprites, which would be nice QoL and make it more obvious when a disking happens)

for gameplay, i think this removes the issues i have with the timer effect. it allows for a consistent 10 minute nuke timer, so any confusion there is gone;

when crew auths the nuke, it either makes the round end faster (crew win) or the round ends on the (now consistent) nuke timer (ops win),

and when ops auth the nuke, it has the same effect of making their job easier without decreasing the amount of time they get to play a fun role
I kinda like this idea yeah
I dig it!
Just entirely for flavour (as I also like this idea) because I've always assumed (perhaps wrongly) that the Syndicate have stolen this nuclear device and the reason the auth disc works at all is that the nuke is a NT product: Rather than "damaging" the shields which wouldn't make as much sense to me have it be some kind of fail-safe system. Something along the lines of:

NT slots it in:
"The authentication disk triggers a safety, exposing the internal mechanisms through an opened maintenance panel."

Bad guys slots it in:
"The authentication disk triggers the anti-tamper systems, protective cladding ensconcing the charge in a bulwark of steel."

Or something better than that. Still, making it a nebulous modification of the nuke's health rather than a clear time change certainly helps keep the suspense in theory.
2) in my opinion I want more time so captain can call shuttle and go home before it we can gain another ending
" 1. inconsistent nuke detonation timing is confusing and inhibits crew prep capability (if i don't know whether it's going to be 10 minutes or 7, i don't know how much time i have to run to armory and gear up or quickly finish some job tasks to get stronger)"

Isn't that part of the whole game in general? You shouldn't ever be "geared up" properly to deal with every threat. Sometimes you aren't going to have the time to do that and you just have to wing it. Just part of SS13.

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