Cindertroy | Hazel Bombsky Mentor Application
Big Grin 
Usual character name: Hazel Bombsky, BombskyAI, radio powered door opener
BYOND username:Cindertroy
Discord username (if you are on our discord):Cindertroy
Recommended by (if applicable):  Babby Finalay (The basic Beetle) sort of, exact wording is "You could do it"
Goon servers you play: Goon1

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

I first discovered SS13 and Goonstation 3 years ago after watching a video by the YouTuber Nurse called "Basically I saved everyone from dying". The game looked complicated and deep, which is my sort of game, and so I decided to give it a try. I ended up joining goonstation and didn't understand the controls and disconected. Sometime later I decided to play again and ended up playing security and mechanic.

Recently I have been playing mostly engineer and artsci. However recently I have also learnt how to play Botanist, QM, Learnt how to do Toxins and Telesci and finally learnt how to set up the nuclear engine. I feel I have a good basic idea of what to do as most of the jobs. I will admit I do make use of Mentorhelp from time to time and ask people for help when I dont know how to do something.

I feel I have a good grasp of most of the antags and their abilities and weaknesses, apart from wraith which I believe I have only ever been once.

However I want to apply to Mentorhelp as I very much enjoy helping people figure out their job/traitor role. It is a rewarding experience and I would enjoy to become a mentor to help newer people or people doing a job they have never done before, especially the more hard to figure out things such as telesci and DWAINE 'basics'. I have spent my time helping many people get up to speed/doing basic stuff and I very much enjoy it.

I have around 700 hours but have only started trying to be a more active member of the community and talking in the discord and such recently. Though, obviously, as a mentor I would be much more active - especially in the questions channels.



Engineering is undoubtly the department I have the most time in. Though, admittedly, I have only started setting up the engine recently. As I mainly use to play Mechanic before it got merged into engineering.

I have set up the singulo and singulo feeder, both to singuloose and power the station.

Recently I have figured out how to power the station using the Nuclear Reactor - which I have only melted down one time - and how to set up the coldloop.

I have created many mostly silly things with mechcomp, I have created many things using packets and mechcomp. One of my favourite, albiet kind of useless, was a handheld spy microphone which could walk around through the use of a PDA app.

I have also used the device analyser to set up teleport rooms in the mechlab, which is where I get most of my telesci experience. I have used to steal things and understand the fundementals of it.

Construction is another thing I am good at, I know how and have constructed lawracks for rogues AI. I understand what needs to be ordered and when to fix and maintain the station


Security is a job I use to main a while back, though I dont play it as much now I still do occasionally and I try my best to maintain communication and teamwork as a secoff. Though I dont play this as much as I am far from robust and It's not exactly the nicest for my teammates to deal with me getting slaughtered and robbed.

I do however understand most of the basic procedures as sec, such as testing, the portabrig and doing my best to maintain fun for everyone - antags included. So I do my best to not let the antag get stripped of all their gear too early in the round


I have quite a few rounds put in captain, and usually use it to do gimmicks or mess around. While captain doesn't have any real expectations like the other jobs I still try my best to help security out, and during rev rounds I try my best to get communication and connect with the other heads. Though once again I do mostly avoid captain due to the reasons I said in security.


I have played a lot of staffie and enjoy playing them mostly to do gimmicks, I feel my favourite gimmick as a staff assistant was when I started with a pirate accent and a toy sword and decided to roam around the station as a pirate and recruit people to my crew, eventually an admin gave me the antag pirate outfit and I recruited many members to my pirate crew. Eventually, I got murdered by a vampire and dragged to space. I have had several other staffie gimmick experiences and it is probably my number o

Recently I have put a few rounds in as botany and understand the basics of splicing, mutations and what the chems do to a basic extent. I could, probably, given enough time make the things I would like to. I feel like I'm going to play a lot more botany as it does feel very fun.


Probably the department I have the least experience in, I understand what the majority of the medical chems do and which ones to use in which scenario. Though that is about as far as my knowledge goes. I did for a while play roboticist for most rounds, though I only vaguely remember what to do to create AI borg shells and the like


I have quite a few rounds put in as science, mainly focusing on artscience, and I understand all of the different types of artifacts and all the types of activators. I have recently been dipping my toes into telesci and toxins, and have managed to make a few - i think - maxcap ttvs. I have touched on telesci but mostly as an engineer.

I can use dwaine to a pretty good extent, and know what you need to use certain tools and how to sniff/spoof certain packets. Though I am no expert at either of those things.


I have recently begun playing AI again and I feel I have a very good grip of the controls. I understand that you should be somewhere in-between supercopping and letting crew be murdered idly, and the point you sit at should change based on the current point in the round.

I have used the tools AI has when rogue to defend my core for extended periods of time and/or completely destroy the lawrack/station, through the use of singulos, different gas floodings, bolting and setting up distractions to give myself and the roguer more time. 


I make heavy use of my arsenal as an antagonist, I have a few times done gimmicks as an antag. Though a lot of the time I also do just rampage. I do, usually, spare certain people who seem to do doing gimmicks/spending shift time creating something interesting. 

I am not the most robust, and have n2o flooded myself and got bailed out by other antags an embarrassing amount of time  fat and sassy space-bee


Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I can't remember to be fair, I can remember one from the RP servers due to the fact I had no idea how to realistically escalate conflict and was a ling and tried, and failed, to singoloose.

I remember I got banned another time on roleplay for being an arc det and just shooting at round-end because once again I couldn't escalate the conflict in roleplay. After this I turned my antag rolls off RP and then moved back to classic eventually.

I believe there was a third time due to me at one point as an AI requesting to be rogued and opening my doors, which looking back on it was profoundly stupid.

I feel I have a better grips on the rules and dont really break them/push them anymore.
I do not play on classic so I cannot comment on your in-game behavior but, you've sent little messages in the discord and I've never, ever seen you help someone out in the discord, either. Maybe all of your teaching just happens in-game but I haven't seen any of it. There is one thing in your application that sort of rubs me the wrong way, too.

"Though, obviously, as a mentor I would be much more active - especially in the questions channels."

I believe someone who would be applying for Mentor should already have been answering questions in the questions channel. Checking your discord messages you've never helped someone out in there. I can't support this until I see you help some people out.
Hazel from my experience has always been a welcoming and kind person to play with, they are able to answer questions in the subjects they know well and open to gimmicks which is what i think is important to look for in a Mentor, over a +1 from me
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 7-5-24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and welcoming member of the community!

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