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Angler as a static latejoin job?
Angler's gotten a lot more content in the past while here with more in the works (I love you traitor Fishing rod), wanted to float the idea of it becoming a gimmick job that's available every round like mime and research/medical/technical assistant?  It feels like it has more specialized content going for it than most gimmick jobs, and even though rancher CAN do everything that angler can do the fact it has specific job XP and stuff does make it feel like it could earn a spot alongside the other assistant roles as being available every round.  Just wanted to see what other people thought?
I've advocated for this before, in fact, I'd like to consider at one point having a Fisher as a permanent role. They already have vendors in botany on ranching on all maps, they fill a niche, and the more fishing content gets added, the more fun it becomes.
I see no reason to add anglers right now to a permanent slot.
Considering they got a spot like lawyer but they actually have a fun job.
I think it's a good idea, they have facilities on all the maps and job XP, I don't think there's harm in it

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