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Different Changeling Abomination form depending on Mutantrace
It could be like a giant skeleton Abomination for the skeleton race.

A bunch of lizard mouths and tails as lizard, and such.

Maybe even exclusive abilities dependent on the Mutantrace such as sentient tails for lizard, or bones for skeleton
Considering it's one of the most ANIMATED sprite in the game.
All of them are going to need it.

But exclusive abillities are going to be impossible, as a changeling you can become any of your victims with their races.
So how would that work if you change every time....

Also if you come out of the abom form, you get a random form.... as well as random limbs regrow.

So...this idea while neat.. is gonna be a headache to implement I think. I am not a coder, but considering how abomination form works... and changing back from it.. and even becoming a monkey and changing... I think even different forms is gonna be hard to make.
Like what selena says, you can change into other people but this does give me a cool idea of dividing up ling into different trees like how new wraith is
Quick thoughts on a ling set of trees, one that makes your limb critters a viable threat and not just a giveaway that it is a ling round, one that specializes in horror form, and either one that has some absolutely wild injection options or one that grows by spreading clones of themselves instead of consuming.

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