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Surplus ops showcase!

That's right babey!!! That half baked idea I posted a few months back has now come to only slightly underripe fruition, and it's time to collect some community sentiment!

It's worth pointing out that they're not finished, but are functional, meaning there's still some work to be done on my end before I feel comfortable making the pull request, feature freeze or lack thereof (especially on the sprite side of things). However, I'd still love to hear you folks' input, concerns, and suggestions:
Link to the video, with timestamps in the description
While it has some interresting things... what are the triggers for these?
It's kinda vague what this is suppose to represent.
You got a writeup I can read?
Update: I realized I didn't include the loot pools for the main loadouts, should probably do that now


>You got a writeup I can read?

The closest thing I have to a writeup is my initial idea draft, which can be found here:

update 2: Have changed things to be pirates in response to some input
Love the idea!
In my opinion, the Egun in the longarm loadout should get swapped out for something more syndicat-ish like maybe the Scout's Bellatrix SMG, old hunting rifle, amplified vuzuvela or maybe some of the newish Cog's blasters.

Also, maybe we could make the nuclear disk more important in this gamemode somehow, like for example if having completed all objectives + having the disk gave you an even faster win, or if the amount of objectives could be reduced in favor of having the nuclear disk mandatory to prime the bomb.
> Love the idea!
> In my opinion, the Egun in the longarm loadout should get swapped out for something more syndicat-ish like maybe the Scout's Bellatrix SMG, old hunting rifle, amplified vuzuvela or maybe some of the newish Cog's blasters.

> Also, maybe we could make the nuclear disk more important in this gamemode somehow, like for example if having completed all objectives + having the disk gave you an even faster win, or if the amount of objectives could be reduced in favor of having the nuclear disk mandatory to prime the bomb.

Thanks for the feedback! I spoke to cogworks and they were pretty adamant about having none of their recent stuff show up in surplus ops, so I've stuck with only using the older energy weapons- if they change their mind I'll add them but for now I'm not going to go against another coder's will.

The idea of the auth disc being relevant is absolutely something that's occurred to me, though for the reasons stated in the older thread I've yet to work it into the mechanics of surplus ops
id be happy to help with any spriting stuff I can do.

still not wild about bringing nukie flavor and mid round antag rolls to rp esp with respawn. but sometimes I just want to run Absolute Nukie Gimmick Madness with weird tools.

oh I was going to originally say something about blah blah flavor of nukies is kinetics and NT is energy weapons. would it be possible to make a kinetic replacement for the egun (assuming a bellatrix isnt appropriate for this case)?
Making auth disk more relevant would be great as an addition to surplus ops after the base features and finished. My idea I posed on discord a few weeks ago:

A way to trade in the auth disk for an extra surplus token, as well as a bomb featuring a 90 second timer with explosive power to severely cripple one department specifically. A mini-nuke, I guess. The functionality to get the auth disk would be purely optional, and only as an option for surplus operatives who want an extra challenge.

Maybe it could even be cool if such abilities were made available in the listening post, allowing for traitors with an agent card to access it, to make the auth disk more of an important item, since captain would always have to be on his toes. But that’s thinking too far ahead

Excited for surplus ops!

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