03-08-2022, 08:37 AM
I was 1st gonna make this a silly suggestion, but now thinking of it.. I think we can "expand" this idea.
Aka chewing gum or bubble gum.
Effects: Depending on the flavor, plain just does nothing and gives you a fresh breath to "OH GOD WHO PUT 20u OF UNSTABLE MUTAGEN AS A FLAVOR?!"
So let me explain...
We all know how gum is made right? It's just a rubbery goo mixed with some syrups and stuff.
Well in the GOON WORLD of SPAAACEEE.. we can do better.
I see gum being used in several ways to make interactions more... of everything.
So what kind of interactions do you have with it?
Well you take a stick of gum and you eat it, but that will spawn "Used gum" in your hand. Used gum will stick to anything after you drop it or toss it.
Causing dismay to Janitors now having to scrape or chemicaly remove the gum. Or if some poor sap steps in it... and might get their foot stuck depending on stickiness.
But.. what if.. You try to eat it again?
Well there is a 60% chance you will swallow it and start choking.. now medbay has to surgically remove it or make you drink acid to remove it or else you will choke to death! But if not.. congrats you ate the gum, doing damage to your guts and stomach but recycling the effect and having NO MORE GUM TO DISCARD!
So that's the basics of it. Now to the advanced stuff.
Well chefs and anyone can make gum with the right ingridents. But... how do you add flavor to it? Well..
It's not like injecting the gumball or gum with a chemical will do..
Insted when you have the gum goop (wich you need to handle with care unless you want to gum your hand together and have medbay surgically remove it) and just add the flavor chemicals to it.. or goon logic.. I want to make taco flavored gumballs... Just add taco to the goop and then process it to gumballs and tadah you got taco flavored gumballs.
But here's why the gumballs will be interresting. "You don't know what flavor it is unless it's marked"
Every gumball made without coloring will be a yellowish brown... but add a coloring dye (Or just paint, cause we aint inventing coloring dye.. paint will do fine).
Or maybe add some sort of fruit to add coloring.. and tadah.. now it has a color. But flavor unknown.
I orginally wanted to suggest just "gumballs" and if you eat em you choke, but atleast you are REFRESHED! Cause people are too dumb to use gum.
But.. now.. I figured to expand it to make it a fun new food item that can be made.
Maybe even be made with just a chem dispenser? Who knows..
Heck we can even make traitor chewing gums that give buffs and when tossed will be a sticky trap a sec officer could get stuck in for a 4 seconds. But who knows eh?
Aka chewing gum or bubble gum.
Effects: Depending on the flavor, plain just does nothing and gives you a fresh breath to "OH GOD WHO PUT 20u OF UNSTABLE MUTAGEN AS A FLAVOR?!"
So let me explain...
We all know how gum is made right? It's just a rubbery goo mixed with some syrups and stuff.
Well in the GOON WORLD of SPAAACEEE.. we can do better.
I see gum being used in several ways to make interactions more... of everything.
So what kind of interactions do you have with it?
Well you take a stick of gum and you eat it, but that will spawn "Used gum" in your hand. Used gum will stick to anything after you drop it or toss it.
Causing dismay to Janitors now having to scrape or chemicaly remove the gum. Or if some poor sap steps in it... and might get their foot stuck depending on stickiness.
But.. what if.. You try to eat it again?
Well there is a 60% chance you will swallow it and start choking.. now medbay has to surgically remove it or make you drink acid to remove it or else you will choke to death! But if not.. congrats you ate the gum, doing damage to your guts and stomach but recycling the effect and having NO MORE GUM TO DISCARD!
So that's the basics of it. Now to the advanced stuff.
Well chefs and anyone can make gum with the right ingridents. But... how do you add flavor to it? Well..
It's not like injecting the gumball or gum with a chemical will do..
Insted when you have the gum goop (wich you need to handle with care unless you want to gum your hand together and have medbay surgically remove it) and just add the flavor chemicals to it.. or goon logic.. I want to make taco flavored gumballs... Just add taco to the goop and then process it to gumballs and tadah you got taco flavored gumballs.
But here's why the gumballs will be interresting. "You don't know what flavor it is unless it's marked"
Every gumball made without coloring will be a yellowish brown... but add a coloring dye (Or just paint, cause we aint inventing coloring dye.. paint will do fine).
Or maybe add some sort of fruit to add coloring.. and tadah.. now it has a color. But flavor unknown.
I orginally wanted to suggest just "gumballs" and if you eat em you choke, but atleast you are REFRESHED! Cause people are too dumb to use gum.
But.. now.. I figured to expand it to make it a fun new food item that can be made.
Maybe even be made with just a chem dispenser? Who knows..
Heck we can even make traitor chewing gums that give buffs and when tossed will be a sticky trap a sec officer could get stuck in for a 4 seconds. But who knows eh?