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Admin name: Klayboxx \ Chef Buttes
Server: LLJK 2
Date/Time: 10/24/13 approximately 4 AM
Synopsis: Klayboxx is being a jerk, I create law for AI to make fun of him for being a jerk and he goes psycho and attacks me. What a jerk.
Log: None, sorry.
Extra Information:
So tonight on the server during a round Klayboxx was being a total shitlord shooting people for making "bad jokes". Problem was it wasn't with stun rounds but with buckshot in the riot shotgun. We asked him why he did it, because it wasn't end of round yet and we knew he wasn't a traitor because he was HOS and that's all he kept saying was "bad jokes." A couple of people were kind of offended by the whole thing, asking him to stop doing it in OOC at the end of that round.
Next round I'm captain and I go to the AI to upload a fun law when he comes into the upload and immediately starts shit again, pushing me around and basically being, well, Klayboxx. So I made a law that stated that he was the lowest level of human and should be treated as such. No harm, follow laws 1-3, but make his life a living hell and constantly remind him of what a shitlord he is. As I leave to destroy the freeform card so he can't change it, he follows me and starts attacking me. Okay, again, he can't be a traitor: he's HOS. But I figure he's just being a crybaby because I ignored his ass the whole time I did this even though he was harassing me in the Upload. I guess he figured out what I did when all the borgs and AI started calling him a cunt. Keep in mind, I told the AI in the law to NOT injure him.
After destroying the freeform I realized now he can go back and grab the NotHuman or MakeCaptain cards and do the same thing so I went to get those too and destroy all of them. Realizing the Reset card is also an option I went to get it and was immediately robusted, the AI turrets were directly attacked with a laser rifle, and he proceed to just beat the shit out of me, fart in my face, stun me etc. usual goonstation shit. Afterwards, he started dragging me to somewhere, so I just suicide succumbed. He's just going to grief the server every time he gets on because "lololol it's goonstation lololol who cares" so why try? I mean we're all here to have fun and stuff, and it's not supposed to be serious business game, but he takes it too far and ruins people's fun for his own amusement breaking the rules in the process.
Personally I feel this example he sets is unbecoming of not only the HOS position but the mentor position as well. I had no other place to post this complaint but here and I hope it's acceptable.
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This isn't the first complaint we've gotten about this guy this round, and this is absolutely not what an HoS should be doing.
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Wow, to be blunt, from what I had to deal with last night concerning Klayboxx and the shotgun bit that he mentioned, I think a removal of his HoS for a while would be good until he shapes up or ships out.
To anyone who posts after this, UNLESS YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT INFORMATION OTHER THAN 'Klayboxx is a good guy/bad guy' THEN STAY OUT OF THE THREAD. THANK YOU.
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I can confirm that this is definitely repeat behavior from klayboxx.
about a week ago I was farting around medbay doing vaguely griffy things as a traitor (pushing people down and farting on them, punching them, etc.) and klayboxx, as hos naturally was carrying around several shotguns and shot me 2-3 times with one to stun me, and actually outright murdered another guy that was also farting around by shooting him a bit and leaving him to bleed to death.
afterwards he SWORE that he didn't know the shotguns were lethal, and that he thought that the damage was extremely minimal because he had shot himself with them a couple times and taken very little damage. when we pointed out that the shotguns do very little damage to people with armor, but are actually very deadly to people without armor, he promised not to use the shotguns so carelessly again and we forgave him and let the incident slide.
it doesn't seem like he's kept that promise very well!
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I agree I haven't been up to snuff, and I planned myself to take a break from the game for awhile,since I think I'm just getting bored and therefore want to fuck around more than I should.
Skunkrocker, you are really sensationalizing the whole thing though. I shot one person for making bad jokes. And yeah, I was talked to an admin about it and I realize it wasn't A Good Thing - but seriously you don't have to make it sound worse than it is. You do this throughout your entire post.
Skunkrocker that round absolutely was not innocent. I hadn't done anything to him that round, I only followed him into the AI's lounge for fun. I stood there for the entire time he uploaded the law and I only messed with him briefly by turning the stun turret on when it was aiming at me and it shot the glass and didn't even touch him. Then he uploaded a law and suddenly the AI and borgs started insulting me, so I kinda giggled but I knew they'd lock me down and be generally annoying so I went and grabbed the reset module so I could reset the AI. I got it, but was stunned by the AI and it left the stun turret on, so once I was un-stunned I shot it with my laser gun so I wouldn't continue to be stunned. Then the AI bolted the door for whatever reason so I was stuck in there for quite a good amount of time.
Then Skunkrocker came back and asked the AI to let him in the room I was in. At this point, I was fairly annoyed so when the door opened I stunned him, and yeah farted in his face - who cares? I then went into the AI upload, shot the turret since I already knew the AI would turn them on while I was inside, and reset it. I then cuffed Skunkrocker and brought him to security. I went straight there, and he suicided while we were in security, so it's bullshit when he says 'he dragged me SOMEWHERE'. He knew where I took him. I intended to ask him why he had uploaded a law that made the AI lock me down etc. since I figured he may have been a traitor trying to lock down security or something but he spits out a tear stained message about how I abused my position etc etc and then instantly commits suicide. I really don't know why he had done that because if he had just said "Well I didn't like how you acted last round so I decided to fuck with you." I would have told him off but let him go.
Also, it's most definitely not an OK thing destroying every fucking AI card because of a cross round grudge.
I'm not excusing my other actions however. I know I've been abusing my power somewhat and like I said at the beginning of this post I'm taking a break from the game to kinda refresh myself on it.
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UrsulaMejor Wrote:I can confirm that this is definitely repeat behavior from klayboxx.
about a week ago I was farting around medbay doing vaguely griffy things as a traitor (pushing people down and farting on them, punching them, etc.) and klayboxx, as hos naturally was carrying around several shotguns and shot me 2-3 times with one to stun me, and actually outright murdered another guy that was also farting around by shooting him a bit and leaving him to bleed to death.
afterwards he SWORE that he didn't know the shotguns were lethal, and that he thought that the damage was extremely minimal because he had shot himself with them a couple times and taken very little damage. when we pointed out that the shotguns do very little damage to people with armor, but are actually very deadly to people without armor, he promised not to use the shotguns so carelessly again and we forgave him and let the incident slide.
it doesn't seem like he's kept that promise very well!
I actually have. The only reason I had shotguns is because someone screamed bloody murder in engineering so I jokingly grabbed two and went in acting like a hero but there wasn't anything actually going on. Then the detective made a joke something along the lines of "So you grabbed two shotguns because you were excited to use them?" "I guess you could say...You were pumped." so I shot him because it seemed appropriate at the time.
But yeah I haven't used them much.
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Quote:so I shot him because it seemed appropriate at the time.
You then shot me several more times for subsequent puns, including once before I even managed to say the pun, throwing me way into crit on the shuttle before the round was over.
Granted, I could have stopped making puns, but you probably shouldn't have been shooting the detective with enough baton rounds to throw them into crit because of wordplay.
For what it's worth this didn't ruin my round or anything, it just struck me as inappropriate coming from a HoS.
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Arki Wrote:Quote:so I shot him because it seemed appropriate at the time.
You then shot me several more times for subsequent puns, including once before I even managed to say the pun, throwing me way into crit on the shuttle before the round was over.
Granted, I could have stopped making puns, but you probably shouldn't have been shooting the detective with enough baton rounds to throw them into crit because of wordplay.
For what it's worth this didn't ruin my round or anything, it just struck me as inappropriate coming from a HoS.
Yeah I agree. I thought it was funny at the time but it wasn't appropriate.
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Originally I was going to upload a goofy law, at the time the AI was named "FabulousBot 69" or something so I was going to give it a law retaining to that in some fashion. While thinking about it you showed up and started throwing insults and fucking with the turrets. Now, as the admins can tell you, the law (which I tried to get a copy of after you reset the AI but the AI told me bluntly to go fuck myself when I got cloned so, eh) stated three things:
1. You were still human, but less human than others. In other words, laws 1-3 still applied to you.
2. To make your life a living hell by bolting every door you come to until you ask the AI to unbolt them and to insult you ever chance they get.
3. You were never to be harmed. That was because I felt the law would still make the AI think it was cool to laser you to death or have a borg box you in with an RCD or something. That I felt would take the prank against you too far.
It also stated to immediately announce the laws as soon as it was uploaded to show you neener neener what I did so you wouldn't think I was a traitor. Since the AI didn't follow it's rules, you attacked me. Alright, I get that. So I ran off.
And yes you dragged me to sec but at that point I stopped caring and when I suicided you were still dragging me. I think you're a terrible HOS. Maybe you're a better mentor. I found it incredibly insulting that on the server that takes itself the least seriously you couldn't handle a joke at your expense after killing players before the round ended at theirs. Thing was, I can only report on what happened to me. I can't really vouch for the other players so much except that I was there and I witnessed it, if they want to complain about it to the extent I did they can post it here. That is why I didn't give too much detail as to the shooting deaths the last round because while I saw it go down it didn't happen to me and I only barely understood what had happened.
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Skunkrocker Wrote:Originally I was going to upload a goofy law, at the time the AI was named "FabulousBot 69" or something so I was going to give it a law retaining to that in some fashion. While thinking about it you showed up and started throwing insults and fucking with the turrets. Now, as the admins can tell you, the law (which I tried to get a copy of after you reset the AI but the AI told me bluntly to go fuck myself when I got cloned so, eh) stated three things:
1. You were still human, but less human than others. In other words, laws 1-3 still applied to you.
2. To make your life a living hell by bolting every door you come to until you ask the AI to unbolt them and to insult you ever chance they get.
3. You were never to be harmed. That was because I felt the law would still make the AI think it was cool to laser you to death or have a borg box you in with an RCD or something. That I felt would take the prank against you too far.
It also stated to immediately announce the laws as soon as it was uploaded to show you neener neener what I did so you wouldn't think I was a traitor. Since the AI didn't follow it's rules, you attacked me. Alright, I get that. So I ran off.
And yes you dragged me to sec but at that point I stopped caring and when I suicided you were still dragging me. I think you're a terrible HOS. Maybe you're a better mentor. I found it incredibly insulting that on the server that takes itself the least seriously you couldn't handle a joke at your expense after killing players before the round ended at theirs. Thing was, I can only report on what happened to me. I can't really vouch for the other players so much except that I was there and I witnessed it, if they want to complain about it to the extent I did they can post it here. That is why I didn't give too much detail as to the shooting deaths the last round because while I saw it go down it didn't happen to me and I only barely understood what had happened.
I don't really know what you qualify as insulting insults in this game, because most people fling shit at each other in this game and it's just part of the whole thing. I turned on the turret a single time, and it didn't even stun you, it shot at me and then I turned it off. I don't really care what the law was, from my point of view the AI started being a nuisance to me and I got locked into a room for five minutes due to whatever you had done. Then you went and destroyed all of the modules and I figured "Whelp this guy is either dumb or a traitor." so when you had the AI open the door I was behind (I doubt you would have done so if you had known I was in there) I stunned you and reset the AI so I could freely interrogate you without every fucking door being locked on the way there.
I've already said that I handled the situation with the detective poorly. You aren't really furthuring your argument by bringing it up
Also, I fail to see a big difference between what you did (I made a joke at your expense so at my expense you attempted to ruin my entire round by uploading a very annoying law and then attempting to destroy any way for me to get rid of it) and what I did (A detective made a joke at my expense so I shot him - eventually dead- so he was unable to enjoy the last twenty seconds of the shuttle) other then you think what you did is ok.
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Skunkrocker Wrote:And yes you dragged me to sec but at that point I stopped caring and when I suicided you were still dragging me.
You really make me feel less and less bad for offending you because even after being called out for sensationalizing shit you still do it.  I had you in security and began talking to you but instead of responding you choked out your long rant about how awful I was and then held your breath. The 'continued dragging' was further into security.
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I never said that, and whether or not what I did being okay is for the admins to decide, not you. The big difference between what you did and what I did is you're a mentor. You're supposed to not break the rules. You broke them anyway. It didn't help the AI sucked at his job and was uncooperative in not telling you the law. And the reason for destroying or hiding the other cards (which I was stopped from doing) was to prevent you from doing the same to me (turnabout is fair play after all) but I wasn't going to destroy the reset card because lo and behold I didn't want to ruin your round. I'm not a jerk. It was supposed to be a harmless prank.
There isn't a player complaint section or I would have done the same to the AI for being a dick.
And you know what man, I gotta admit, now that I've calmed down I honestly want to retract this especially since you had valid reasons for thinking I was a traitor.
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The absence of a player complaints section is intentional, it only generates drama. Thread closed because the OP wanted to retract it.