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Spy's vs Spy's: A Spy revision idea.
So, if you've read my previous posts, you'll know I'm not the greatest spy-thief fan, and while I enjoy it, I think it could be better, because as is, I see it more as something that could be a 12 credit purchase on the traitor PDA than its own antag. My ideal spy thief game mode, would be to have groups of allied spy's, fighting other spy's, fighting security and the station. Or, it could even work without the spy's fighting other spy's in a mixed game mode, making them essentially a team based antag, while changelings and traitors cause chaos.

To make a example of the spy v spy, lets imagine there would be 4 teams, spy group A, spy group B, spy group C, and security, with the spy's knowing the other spy's or spy on their team, but not the other teams. Each spy group would have radio channels unique to them, similar to other team based antags, and they have group goals, the goals occasionally involving other spy groups, and giving tangible rewards aside from a greentext at the end of the round, giving actual incentive to work together, instead of being a lone wolf. The round functions as normal, but unlike normal, the spy's are now working together and against one another.

I don't know how to end this so bye!
This sounds like old spies but instead of mindslaves they get other spies to work with. Dont think this would go well.
This falls into similar pitfalls as old spy, which usually made the station into Thunderdome.

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