Mentor Application - Tim Becker
Usual character name: Tim Vince Becker or D.O.G.E./C.A.T.T.O.(as AI/cyborg roles)
BYOND username: Maniacer
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Maniac#3437
Recommended by (if applicable): -
Goon servers you play: Goon3

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

The main reason is to have access to a very effective way to help new players.
Space Station 13 is a hard game to learn. First the controls, then interactions and actual mechanics of the game/server. It took me so long to get into the game, as I was making 2 long breaks after which I finally managed to learn the game. Well, at that time, at least to "playable" and enjoyable degree.
The game has enough content that it's not learnable entirely without the help of other person. Personally, when I started, I was asking other people for some help. From that, I learned a lot of stuff it would be hard to learn alone otherwise. During that I also got a link to wiki which is insanely helpful. I can't imagine doing a surgery or making some chems without the wiki, but very often I'm checking it out for other stuff, like if I can craft a certain item somehow.
Game experience? From the beginning I played on Goon1 while I was still learning basic stuff, so I wouldn't cause any problems during the Roleplay action. There I played several rounds as every civilian roles to learn it, or at least the basics of it. Later I switched to Goon3 and learned rest of the roles. Currently my favourite roles I'm playing the most are Security Assistant, Medical Doctor(or Director) and sometimes AI/Cyborg. My current playtime as stated by Discord bot, since 2020-09-17, is 13,04 Days, 217 rounds participated in. I'm 100% sure it's not much comparing to others, but in my opinion it was enough to get some knowledge about the game that I can share with others.
As mentioned at the beginning, I want to help others, especially new players. I'm not super experienced, but I'm sure I'll be able to answer a lot of questions asked on mentorhelp and if I won't, I'll seek help in wiki, other mentors or admins, depending on the given question, unless other mentor will take the question away from me and answer it himself.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None at all.
However while no bans, I was verbally warned once when I was insta-suiciding after joining the round. I did it twice in a row as I tried to get a ghost antag, but then an admin warned me about it and reminded me there's an "observe" button I totally forgot about and never used it until that moment.
Hey, we really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be December 9. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and helpful member of the community!

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