09-27-2013, 05:56 AM
I had a thought to make security a bit less useless; make certain helmets reduce acid stun time. They shouldn't stop it completely, just shorten it so changelings can't hit you in a busy hallway, drag you to a closet and still have time to eat you. It wouldn't apply to things like the captain's hat, but hard helmets, like security's, and full helmets for space suits. I'm not sure if gas masks should affect it or not. I'd say not, and handwave it as the acid being strong enough to get through them.
Changelings can still kill you if they get you alone, or you're near their hiding spot. They just have to think twice about attacking armoured people in a hallway.
An alternative change would be making it so changelings can't spit acid/absorb dna with a full mask on (breath mask would be unaffected). I think it would have to be either or, and the second one would suck for the changeling.
I'm sure there are flaws in this idea, so rip into it. It's just a suggestion
Changelings can still kill you if they get you alone, or you're near their hiding spot. They just have to think twice about attacking armoured people in a hallway.
An alternative change would be making it so changelings can't spit acid/absorb dna with a full mask on (breath mask would be unaffected). I think it would have to be either or, and the second one would suck for the changeling.
I'm sure there are flaws in this idea, so rip into it. It's just a suggestion