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Construction Worker tweaks
I like Construction Worker and the freedom it offers to redesign the station, but I'd like for some tweaks to be made.
  • Remove that one useless tool (Room Designator) from the spawn equipment for the CW. It literally does NOTHING in regular gamemodes and tells you as much when you use it.
  • Allow switching between wall and floor mode without resetting your selection. Make the selection box work like the sound synthesizer-- save your choice until a different interaction clears it.
  • If they aren't already, make it possible to clone or build the tools. This means that a rogue construction worker can have his evil undone by other players.
  • PLEASE allow the Airlock setting on the deluxe RCD to create airlocks that need no access. You have to pick something which means you can't make public buildings because IIRC there's no access on that list that every single job has.
Please post any other minor ideas y'all have here!!

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