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Ghetto Wormhole Device
Somebody took all the pods....
Maybe there's a second option?
a DIY makeshift device that creates pod warps...
If it doesnt explode on use then maybe it will warp you to your desired location.

1. attach GPS to Plasmatank, creating GPS/Plasmatank assembly
[Image: Eh5sxDA.png]

2. attach Pod Engine to GPS/Plasmatank Assm. creating Engine/GPS/Plasmatank Assem
[Image: VNLGIha.png]

3 attach metal coil
[Image: TcOtboM.png]

4 add wiring
[Image: qtpGpUp.png]

5 Now you have a finished bit, justĀ  got to put it on a tripod
[Image: uXjYwMh.png]

How does it work?
You click on it and it opens the same menu as the pod wormhole, to create wormholes. The cooldown is a bit longer though.
rotate to adjust the direction in which the portal is activated.
You can only create wormholes on reinforced tiles and space tiles.
If you weld holes in the bottom of a closet and travel in the wormhole like that, the gib chance disappears and the mutation chance is lessened.
If it runs out of plasma, take it off the tripod and fill it up at a plasmatank

How does it go wrong?
Small chance to warp to wrong location(from list)
Small chance for warp energy to shoot out and hit you, randomly teleporting you.
Usual wormhole ill effects.
Device can be emagged for explosive/warpy effects.

Old post V V
Maybe recipe could be something like...
- Weld Bed
- Add Pod Engine (with pop-up saying which direction should warp be located?
- Weld Together
- Add Fuel Tank
- Add Wires
- Add Space Gps
- Add Remote Signaller

click on the warper to choose desired warp beacon.

Now you get inside a closet next to the warper (or just dangerously risk the warp unshielded)
activate the signal and either.....
the whole thing explodes
you end up in the wrong location, but fine
you end up in the right location, but on fire
or by some strange miracle you arrive at the warp beacon in one piece.
I like this, but I think the extra downsides are largely unnecessary. Robust Portals are already pretty dangerous for peeps not in pods
Huh. Using pod engines for makeshift teleporters sounds like a neat idea!

Just should have a chance to give radiation poisoning, loss of limbs, brute damage, throwing you VERY hard out the other end, etc. You should be guaranteed to arrive at or near your destination, but maybe possibly dying.

Should have to be calibrated to some specific location using a beacon by slapping said beacon onto the bootleg port-a-sci (which is an apt name, in my opinion), then putting the beacon back wherever.

Perhaps you'd have to close the locker then *flip to engage the teleportation?
Neat idea, but I feel like it needs to be even more slapdash and easier to assemble. As it stands, it's about half as much work as just straight-up assembling a pod with no downside, and you need a pod engine for it anyway.
Using portals on foot is already quite dangerous - you get rad poisoning, 10% chance to gib, other stuff like that, no need to over-nerf it.
Replace pod engine with pipe and welder.
I reckon it's as easy as getting rid of the "engine manifold" and replacing it with a pod engine. voila. easy to build pod engine readily available at all pod manufacturers. less work than building a pod and less resource intensive.
So here's a rethink.
the ingredients have to make some kind of sense and they have to be found near podbays. I reckon the basic thing needs four main parts:

Wormhole creating device - pod engine
Fuel source - welding fuel tank
Something for the wormhole to be directed with - hollow pipe frame
Location chooser - GPS

Yes the pod engine is currently hard to get, but why not make it buildable at pod part manufacturers or just a few spares in a crate or on a table?

1. Screwdriver pod engine, to manually open the connections
2. Attach hollow pipe frame to pod engine, creating an "engine/pipeframe assembly"
3. Attach gps to engine/pipeframe assembly
4. Attach engine/pipeframe/gps assembly to a welding fuel tank
5. Screwdriver to secure (welding seems dodgy)

How does it work?
You click on it and it opens the same menu as the pod wormhole, to create wormholes. The cooldown is a bit longer though.
Use a wrench to adjust the direction in which the portal is activated.
You can only create wormholes on reinforced tiles and space tiles.
Of you weld holes in the bottom of a closet and travel in the wormhole like that, the gib chance disappears and the mutation chance is lessened.

How does it go wrong?
Small chance to warp to wrong location(from list)
Small chance for warp energy to shoot out and hit you, randomly teleporting you.
Usual wormhole ill effects.

Is super innefficient and uses fuel like crazy so will run out eventually, requiring refilling with fuel source OR dismantling(screwdriver, crowbar) and attaching to new welding fuel tank.
Device can be emagged for explosive/warpy effects.
I did a quick sprite thing, with a new recipe to see how it could look. If it actually seems like a feasable thing, I'll continue it. less messy of course, with angles +flashing panels etc.
i'm interested
Well I've been spriting this now. hmm.
[Image: mxJWEZX.gif][Image: tc5Ns7s.gif]
The new construction method is much better, it's all based around the engine.
1. screwdriver engine to open up circuits and fuel attachment
2. weld a hole in the side, exposing the warpy stuff
3. attach GPS
4. attach coil
5. attach whole thing to tripod
6. attach plasmatank to the top
7. ready to use, just rotate it about to choose direction.
8. to refuel, wrench the old fueltank offf and put a new one one.

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That looks dangerously unsafe. 5 stars!

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