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    Thread: [PR] Space phoenix antagonist
Post: RE: [PR] Space phoenix antagonist

I mean as I understand it the reason antags get blacklisted from RP is less that they CAN'T RP at all but more that their very design stops them from being dynamic to RP situations. Like revs can't ta...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 4 392 01-13-2025, 09:35 AM
    Thread: HoP Traitor ID Sharpener
Post: RE: HoP Traitor ID Sharpener

RSOD Wrote: (12-31-2024, 06:32 AM) -- Cal Wrote: (12-31-2024, 06:29 AM) -- 6tc is a lot, like c-saber territory. Make them do a mild explosion on toss if they miss, or less brute and add an explosio...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 10 542 12-31-2024, 09:55 AM
    Thread: thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic
Post: RE: thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn tim...

I mean my first thought with this would be how would it work with antag modes that arent on RP? Gamemodes like blob, nukies, flock, or revs as far as i know are not designed around respawning. This ho...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 37 3,123 08-27-2024, 05:57 AM
    Thread: We should improve blobs somewhat
Post: RE: We should improve blobs somewhat

I 100% agree that blob needs some sort of buff as it stands right now blob is in a state where the skill floor is so high that newer players need at least 2-3 blob rounds before they get a good grasp ...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 15 1,216 07-27-2024, 12:30 PM
    Thread: Make Nukie gear can degrade by acid in Nadir map.
Post: RE: Make Nukie gear can degrade by acid in Nadir m...

I mean I understand where your coming from but there is a reason nukies armor is so resitant to pretty much all elements, and that is nukies are supposed to be well prepared as to fight off a large cr...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 6 656 07-16-2024, 07:09 PM
    Thread: Chameleon Spray - Mime Traitor Tool
Post: RE: Chameleon Spray - Mime Traitor Tool

I think this is a really cool item idea but one thing I thought of is that there are some things like TTV's that would be insanely powerful to spray this on as well being a spray it does not really ma...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 5 410 07-14-2024, 06:55 PM
    Thread: [PR] Replaces the syndicate's Sawfly purchase with the pouch containing three
Post: RE: [PR] Replaces the syndicate's Sawfly purchase ...

I do think this is a good change since sawflys, especially one by itself really won't do anything really and buying any of the grenade kits would just be a better purchase as you said. The only thing ...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 3 403 06-24-2024, 11:02 PM
    Thread: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department
Post: RE: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department

Azurnite Wrote: (06-24-2024, 12:46 AM) -- Waffleloffle Wrote: (06-23-2024, 05:03 PM) -- an important element I think people are glancing over in this thread is how fun it is to be on the other side ...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 41 4,243 06-24-2024, 01:23 AM
    Thread: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department
Post: RE: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department

Kotlol Wrote: (06-22-2024, 11:58 AM) -- I may have something in mind to fix a simple problem with this all. "Emergency COMA device." If someone is in crit, you can use this device to put them in a ...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 41 4,243 06-23-2024, 07:24 AM
    Thread: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department
Post: RE: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department

As someone who has what I would consider veteran-level experience as medical doctor, I might as well throw my thoughts in. To me, one of the most important things about balancing any job, in gene...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 41 4,243 06-20-2024, 04:58 AM
    Thread: RANDOM: am i insane or do flamers do way more
Post: RE: RANDOM: am i insane or do flamers do way more

Ill comment on this as I have used the chem mix mentioned here I feel like the main issue with blob against flame throwers is how blob tiles recognize damage from fire. As of right now blob tiles take...
rando212 General Discussion 10 1,259 03-11-2024, 11:20 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Cyborg movement speed rebalance
Post: RE: [PR] Cyborg movement speed rebalance

funny thing is I kind of forgot this change happened because the light borg speed values are so similar that I did not notice it at first. But, thinking back to the few times I was borged in heavier p...
rando212 Good ideas! 27 4,152 01-29-2024, 09:35 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
Post: RE: [PR] Disables antag captains on classic

Kotlol Wrote: (01-16-2024, 05:43 AM) -- Wait they did remove him from antag list compeltely insted of just Hard Mode Traitor and such? -- Yes, the only way captain can be a antag now is through min...
rando212 Good ideas! 56 7,845 01-16-2024, 07:09 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
Post: RE: [PR] Disables antag captains on classic

After playing with this PR for a while I still have to agree with my initial points. Since the change I have noticed a big uptake in sec captains who are just playing as if they were sec with a gun. W...
rando212 Good ideas! 56 7,845 01-15-2024, 10:19 PM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
Post: RE: [PR] Disables antag captains on classic

Ikea Wrote: (12-17-2023, 05:52 PM) -- Please no only saber I dont want caps primary weapon to be lethal only, wouldn't be super opposed to a lethal fire rate nerf or something (though I wouldn't be f...
rando212 Good ideas! 56 7,845 12-17-2023, 07:05 PM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
Post: RE: [PR] Disables antag captains on classic

I don't really like the idea of disabling cap antags. In my opinion the cap isn't a trustable person in the same way the det isn't ( I mean there is several references to the cap being corrupt and ste...
rando212 Good ideas! 56 7,845 12-17-2023, 04:26 PM
    Thread: Orderable Hired hand
Post: RE: Orderable Hired hand

for 1 mil hell no you could throw together a couple star stones and order like 3 of these guys not really sure if there would be any way to balance this with a set price. And in general this would alw...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 5 1,833 06-29-2021, 06:17 PM
    Thread: Efrem, Discord, publically making fun of people for being wrong in AdminHelps
Post: RE: Efrem, Discord, publically making fun of peopl...

Hi I was the player in the second conversation (rando212) and i would agree with efrem here i was a bit salty that round as there was a sci or someone who released vamp serum to the station and as sec...
rando212 Archived 4 3,700 03-19-2021, 08:17 AM
    Thread: New Nuclear Operative class: CQC Specialist
Post: RE: New Nuclear Operative class: CQC Specialist

I like this idea but would definitely need to see how this would play out in game. From the sound of it on claw mode harm intent it deals 30-40 damage? so basically a csaber with more functions and no...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 4 2,121 03-19-2021, 08:02 AM
    Thread: Armory reshuffle - More accessible nonlethals, actual lethals in armory
Post: RE: Armory reshuffle - More accessible nonlethals,...

I really like this idea as sec it never made sense to me that opening armory just gives you more stun weapons. At least I think armory being opened should mean theres a BIG threat that you cant just a...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 1 946 03-18-2021, 08:52 AM
    Thread: [IDEA] CE can remove items from Ruck, MDir can remove genes from Gene Booth
Post: RE: [IDEA] CE can remove items from Ruck, MDir can...

YES pleaseeeee every time i play sec and see smes and hulk in gene booth it just makes me want to strangle the geneticist its such a pain in the ass and even if i do talk to them and they say ok we wo...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 31 11,978 03-18-2021, 02:38 AM
    Thread: detective
Post: RE: detective

If i'm correct detective is supposed to be a freelance crime solver kinda like batman in a way where he helps the police find and catch crimers. The problem is that forensics kinda sucks at most he ca...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 19 7,639 03-17-2021, 06:30 PM
    Thread: [CLOSED PR] removes detective's roundstart lethals
Post: RE: [PR] removes detective's roundstart lethals

In my opinion this would just cause every det round start to take the tool box and hack vendors which could lead to regular sec getting electrocuted by them or shitty hacking and its shooting items at...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 4 2,041 03-17-2021, 06:24 PM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Rebalance kinetic firearm melee
Post: RE: [PR] Rebalance kinetic firearm melee

As well as things like a 1 handed spes-12 doing 18 damage for some reason while a 2 handed pulse rifle does 5 i think this change is good.
rando212 Good ideas! 5 2,474 03-14-2021, 10:13 AM
    Thread: New traitor chaplain item
Post: RE: New traitor chaplain item

I like this idea you could make real cults instead of just drawing a bunch of pentagrams on the ground and pretending everyone's in a cult. I can imagine sec being called down to the chapel where 10 p...
rando212 Ideas & Suggestions 6 2,813 03-13-2021, 05:37 PM