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    Thread: Gangs on RP? What's your thoughts on it?
Post: RE: Gangs on RP? What's your thoughts on it?

This is largely going to mirror what I said in the similar thread in Ideas & Suggestions, but I acknowledge there are a lot of frustrations around gangs. Both security and the gangs themselves can b...
Spyritdragon RP Discussion 21 1,391 12-04-2024, 06:13 PM
    Thread: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar
Post: RE: Post ITT and I will give you an avatar

I too would like an avatar, please. I shall put my faith in you! FRANK EDIT: Nooblet
Spyritdragon General Discussion 1,770 739,069 12-04-2024, 06:05 PM
    Thread: Gang rounds don't feel like they belong in RP
Post: RE: Gang rounds don't feel like they belong in RP

I will admit, I'm biased since I'm a huge fan of gangs, but also, that's in part at least because my experience has generally been much better. While gangs definitely have more action than some other ...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 9 735 12-04-2024, 06:04 PM
    Thread: Floor Designer Upgrade for Borgs.
Post: RE: Floor Designer Upgrade for Borgs.

I'd very much love to have access to it in some way as a borg - it's something I've often found I've missed - though I do agree there's some concern in it being roundstart available. Would it mak...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 19 1,316 10-02-2024, 03:31 PM
    Thread: What mechanic in other ss13 should import in.
Post: RE: What mechanic in other ss13 should import in.

Agree with the points so far mentioned, especially doctoring but also; I would love, love, love to have bitshifting in goonstation. Just the ability to cosmetically move your sprite about for RP w...
Spyritdragon General Discussion 7 806 09-22-2024, 02:21 AM
    Thread: Goonstation September 2024 Contribution Contest
Post: RE: Goonstation September 2024 Contribution Contes...

Presenting: Discount Dan's Spiced Latte: Flamboyant Fluorange Flavour! - 15u Pumpkin Spice Latte - 10u VHFCS - 10u carrot juice - 5u cinnamon - 5u orange juice - 4u luminol - 1u fluorine
Spyritdragon General Discussion 49 4,425 09-20-2024, 05:05 PM
    Thread: [CLOSED PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to wear hats and hair
Post: RE: [PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to...

I love the customisation options added to mutantraces through wigs, and I dont feel tradeoffs for mutantraces should come in the form of limiting their creative and style options. It's always bee...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 43 3,865 08-18-2024, 06:39 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Post: RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP

Retrino Wrote: (08-07-2024, 06:39 PM) -- not much to say that hasnt been said. good pr, hygiene would not be missed. its also worth pointing out that hygiene Has been reworked and adjusted several ti...
Spyritdragon Good ideas! 62 5,225 08-11-2024, 12:28 AM
    Thread: Winter Jackets
Post: RE: Winter Jackets

kyle2143 Wrote: (07-09-2024, 07:54 AM) -- Some of the puffer jacket sprites just don't fit with what we want official department styled gear to look like. They don't really have a consistent look whi...
Spyritdragon RP Discussion 9 945 07-10-2024, 03:23 AM
    Thread: The hygiene meter kind of stinks
Post: RE: The hygiene meter kind of stinks

I understand the frustrating in hygiene as a mechanic, but I also feel like it adds a solid bit of immersion to the RP experience for me. Once you know where the showers are, they're honestly not too ...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 31 2,634 05-29-2024, 12:44 AM
    Thread: i think it's time to try player caps.
Post: RE: i think it's time to try player caps.

LeahTheTech Wrote: (05-13-2024, 03:09 PM) -- I'm open to the idea of population caps but I think: - 65 is too low - It should only count players in game otherwise people are going to idle on the ti...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 72 6,568 05-15-2024, 07:03 PM
    Thread: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets
Post: RE: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets

Mrfishstick Wrote: (03-18-2024, 10:03 PM) -- For the sake of developer sanity we're not going to revisit design decisions based upon the results of informal community polling. This has been policy fo...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 28 3,067 03-23-2024, 04:41 AM
    Thread: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets
Post: RE: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets

It's been a week or two now, and the poll shows a pretty overwhelming preference for having the puffers available on the regular. Is there a way we can at least get this back up for debate again i...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 28 3,067 03-18-2024, 02:51 AM
    Thread: Pharmacy: Do They Really Need All That
Post: RE: Pharmacy: Do They Really Need All That

Cal Wrote: (03-04-2024, 05:57 AM) -- Yeah the reason scientists don't make medical chems is because medical already has their own entire chemical station, why bother when someone already made a pent-...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 28 2,675 03-04-2024, 11:09 AM
    Thread: The magic of Halloween's Altar
Post: RE: The magic of Halloween's Altar

I have to admit that for this thing in particular, I do feel it makes a lot of sense being seasonal. I love the content, too, but it feels quite halloween-focussed and something fun to look forward to...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 10 834 03-04-2024, 03:26 AM
    Thread: Chemical requester update: Random Requests
Post: RE: Chemical requester update: Random Requests

I very much love this idea, and I think it's a wonderful way to solve a bit of the catch-22 we currently have with medical and chemistry. I'd also love seeing it expanded to chefs and bartenders maybe...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 11 922 03-04-2024, 03:19 AM
    Thread: Pharmacy: Do They Really Need All That
Post: RE: Pharmacy: Do They Really Need All That

I definitely think removing the pharmacy altogether, or some of its most crucial tools, would cause more frustration than we'd get gain from it. It's a good place so far for medical staff to spend som...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 28 2,675 03-04-2024, 03:17 AM
    Thread: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets
Post: RE: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets

Personally it definitely feels relevant to re-open the topic. I was actively following the discussion over on GitHub, and the seasonality of them came as a complete surprise to me - I thought the main...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 28 3,067 03-02-2024, 11:08 AM
    Thread: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets
Post: RE: Community Poll: Puffer Jackets

I think they've been a wonderful addition to the station, honestly - granted, I only play on RP, but I think things that can make your character feel more unique are wonderful. I guess the poll w...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 28 3,067 03-02-2024, 01:15 AM
    Thread: Remove Hygiene Motive from RP
Post: RE: Remove Hygiene Motive from RP

While I can see the point a bit in how it can be disrupting to RP, I dont really find I experience that disruption terribly much in practice. I think the 'shaming' thing so far hasn't gotten too negat...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 43 4,691 01-15-2024, 02:12 PM
    Thread: Make Chargers Activate Artcell Effects
Post: RE: Make Chargers Activate Artcell Effects

The charger or the science lamp sound like neat ideas to me. That being said, as a tip for the current game - you can remove a SICC-brain from an on-but-dormant cyborg without it falling apart, then a...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 6 706 01-09-2024, 08:04 AM
    Thread: Manifest app for Security
Post: RE: Manifest app for Security

I have to agree that finding out someone's job, or easy access to a way to link details together, is one of the main reasons I find myself booting up computers, both in medical and security. I really ...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 11 982 01-09-2024, 07:59 AM
    Thread: Full-range skin color for Blattodeans (and maybe everyone?)
Post: RE: Full-range skin color for Blattodeans (and may...

Having recently grown very fond of my little roachperson, I'd love to see this happen. So long as it fits in the feel of the game I'm all for more character customisation and less hassle for making yo...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 11 1,320 01-06-2024, 07:03 PM
    Thread: Technoallergic trait (also synthblob flesh organs?)
Post: RE: Technoallergic trait (also synthblob flesh org...

I like it! Robotic organs always felt a little strong and their replacement so quick - I'd love it if we had a little thing just like puritan to watch out for, and it'd be a neat option to allow peopl...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 13 1,282 01-06-2024, 06:51 PM
    Thread: Silicon Character Customization Settings
Post: RE: Silicon Character Customization Settings

Honestly, I'm all for some more borg customisation on spawn, but most of these things dont bother me too much. Anyone playing Clown, Mime, Radio Show Host or anything similar gets a name popup too, an...
Spyritdragon Ideas & Suggestions 10 1,111 01-06-2024, 06:47 PM