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    Thread: Headspidered victim dying should let the spider instantly take over
Post: RE: Headspidered victim dying should let the spide...

Fair balance change. "Just suiciding" yourself in anyway shape or form (even jumping into the crusher or burner) should result into the changeling gaining something. Even popping out safely as a he...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 7 123 Yesterday, 03:41 AM
    Thread: Breakfast vending machine
Post: RE: Breakfast vending machine

1st off.. SLOPPY FORMATTING! Put some "C-A-P-I-T-A-L" letters in and some nice ole enters. Second: I am fine with having "random vending" machines with foods then just breakfast. it would be f...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 3 125 02-05-2025, 09:55 AM
    Thread: Let's change Ethereal Critters
Post: RE: Let's change Ethereal Critters

My favorite bug that has yet to be fixed is the critters can drive the Cargo tug. It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things since the Cargo Tug only gets used for "FUNNIES" anyway and most c...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 6 323 02-05-2025, 09:51 AM
    Thread: Robuddy Brainstorming
Post: RE: Robuddy Brainstorming

Oh hi. I was the one who suggested some of these in the topic. I am glad you added them. As for Spoofing, that would be considered near "Self-antagging" and going "against what your job does." Wi...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 4 177 02-02-2025, 06:41 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Add extra items to on-station security closets
Post: RE: [PR] Add extra items to on-station security cl...

Isn't there something like a Captain's headset and PDA found in the depths at random or certain substations too? I do know there is the "engineering challange" that holds a CE's gear.
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 14 892 02-01-2025, 10:03 AM
    Thread: Automatic word filters
Post: RE: Automatic word filters

Lefinch Wrote: (02-01-2025, 08:49 AM) -- Edit: also yes, the Scunthorpe problem Kotlol mention above is still very much a thing even modern attempts to filter language produce. This does not include ...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 12 588 02-01-2025, 09:58 AM
    Thread: Merge the APC pinpointer into the atmospheric scanner.
Post: RE: Merge the APC pinpointer into the atmospheric ...

Cal Wrote: (02-01-2025, 06:13 AM) -- Yeah there's an APC pinpointer in Engineer lockers that already does this -- Ah so it is called that. So you want to take that and put it in the app or make it ...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 18 714 02-01-2025, 06:42 AM
    Thread: throw Glassware into Glass Recycler
Post: RE: throw Glassware into Glass Recycler

Agreed! It would be funny too!
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 2 127 02-01-2025, 06:42 AM
    Thread: When do you use the robuddys?
Post: RE: When do you use the robuddys?

My problem with Robobuddies is their accessability. You gotta have SUPER DWAINE USER access. Know all the DWAINE Codes (I hate DWAINE) And then .... you can finally program them via very slow and ...
Kotlol General Discussion 5 182 02-01-2025, 05:54 AM
    Thread: Automatic word filters
Post: RE: Automatic word filters

I do NOT want filters on this game for so many reasons I won't name them. But it comes down to.... one simple reason (I know goon won't filter this word, but I still want to point it out) Assassin....
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 12 588 02-01-2025, 05:44 AM
    Thread: Merge the APC pinpointer into the atmospheric scanner.
Post: RE: Merge the APC pinpointer into the atmospheric ...

Cal Wrote: (01-31-2025, 03:55 PM) --  I don't consider knowledge checks to be "powerful" or good reasons to not add quality of life -- So when do we get secret chems revealed? I JOKE , I JOKE! I...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 18 714 02-01-2025, 05:38 AM
    Thread: The State of Vampires on RP
Post: RE: The State of Vampires on RP

I do agree that Vampires "Suck" these days. But I think all stealth antags are problematic on RP in their ways. On Roleplay the permission stuff and escalation rule makes it really hard to play ...
Kotlol RP Discussion 13 505 01-27-2025, 05:14 PM
    Thread: Shuttle chaos rule
Post: RE: Shuttle chaos rule

Another simple idea. If it gets too extreme.. have a button in security that flashes the whole shuttle.
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 16 901 01-27-2025, 10:07 AM
    Thread: Shuttle chaos rule
Post: RE: Shuttle chaos rule

We already make things harder and harder for things to happen during the shuttles. Like breaking stuff, hotboxing and such. I have no objections of making things like "explosions" not happen in the...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 16 901 01-26-2025, 11:41 AM
    Thread: Prevent gang crates from being teleporter
Post: RE: Prevent gang crates from being teleporter

A simple lore reason: "Crate will be launched and have a teleport jammer installed to avoid security from intercepting it"
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 5 243 01-26-2025, 05:40 AM
    Thread: Grill in Ranch
Post: RE: Grill in Ranch

I just think it would be better if we could move the corpses around easier and maybe shred it easier. Like how eggs can be put in the feed shredder for ease feed. Maybe putting in corpses will get...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 4 214 01-25-2025, 04:12 AM
    Thread: Kudzu improvements
Post: RE: Kudzu improvements

How I want to change kudzu myself... is focus more on the botany side of it. Decrease the wild growth for one. Have it be a risk/reward kinda deal. If left unchecked it will start spawning on rand...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 2 159 01-25-2025, 04:09 AM
    Thread: Stuff Shirts Into Riot Launchers
Post: RE: Stuff Shirts Into Riot Launchers

glowbold Wrote: (01-23-2025, 01:06 PM) -- if this gets added as an antag item, the influencer should definitely have access to it -- Noble peace prize for this guy! HOTDANG!
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 9 519 01-24-2025, 04:53 AM
    Thread: Salvagers roundstart on classic
Post: RE: Salvagers roundstart on classic

Or increase their starting supply on Classic so they can get better starting gear.
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 5 382 01-22-2025, 06:21 AM
    Thread: Ideas of questionable quality
Post: RE: Ideas of questionable quality

New antagonist chef recipe: "Meatball stick" Can be used to make a GIANT MEATBALL. The giant meatball that is cooked it will trigger a Meatball alert of a meatball shower coming in. It can be bloc...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 4,447 2,296,591 01-21-2025, 10:33 AM
    Thread: Makeshift Cable Coil Knuckles
Post: RE: Makeshift Cable Coil Knuckles

I always had the idea that certain makeshift weapons should be strong, buuuttt.. the downside you will also do yourself 1 point of brute damage. For example 15 brute damage but at the cost taking 1...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 2 178 01-21-2025, 05:57 AM
    Thread: QoL and RP
Post: RE: QoL and RP

I am fine with a "NO SPOILER TOGGLE" in dead mode.
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 5 347 01-21-2025, 05:56 AM
    Thread: Stuff Shirts Into Riot Launchers
Post: RE: Stuff Shirts Into Riot Launchers

While funny, I don't think the riot launcher should be used for it as security should have the "least funny options" in my opinion. Let alone I fear it might have unfortunate side effects. THAT ...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 9 519 01-19-2025, 04:24 AM
    Thread: Malicious Mail
Post: RE: Malicious Mail

Since some mail is worthless to people like: "Crayons for a botanist" I see no problem with some people getting advertisment or lame mail with a joke on it of some sort. Like : "We are contacting ...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 8 510 01-08-2025, 06:55 AM
    Thread: Make farts and oxygen agent b more accessible
Post: RE: Make farts and oxygen agent b more accessible

Frank_Stein Wrote: (01-07-2025, 02:52 PM) -- Maybe certain foods should make you extra gassy and be more productive to reduce spamming? Get some beans from botany & have the chef whip you up some bea...
Kotlol Ideas & Suggestions 17 1,061 01-07-2025, 04:04 PM