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    Thread: Hello again, and Goodbye forever (probably)
Post: Hello again, and Goodbye forever (probably)

Hello Goonstation, Its me Hunter Alliman/Frolicsome Flufficorn. I never really got to say goodbye to you guys (mainly speaking to Goon 1 players). And I just thought I would take the time to give a...
Frolicsome Flufficorn General Discussion 1 602 02-09-2024, 02:10 AM
    Thread: Smart Tools (for engineers only)
Post: RE: Smart Tools (for engineers only)

Kotlol Wrote: (11-06-2023, 05:37 AM) -- I would rather not have it that every engineer can build a wall fast... we know what happens with rogue ghostdrones. We don't need every engineer to do the sa...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 10 1,231 11-06-2023, 05:44 AM
    Thread: Smart Tools (for engineers only)
Post: RE: Smart Tools (for engineers only)

actually they removed alot of stuff you can do at the same time E.g. Reinforced floors I think what this means is being able to use a screwdriver on 3 windows at the same time etc. So it isnt 1 ...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 10 1,231 11-05-2023, 12:11 PM
    Thread: TEG enhancement: acquire more farts, agent B, and GHC
Post: RE: TEG enhancement: acquire more farts, agent B, ...

I would personally like to see a revamp of the entire power system. It annoys me that I can either put in 5 minutes of work to get like 5 MW or like 40 minutes of work to get 10. I know it wouldn't be...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 4 1,073 10-31-2023, 03:23 AM
    Thread: Catering Announcement System?
Post: RE: Catering Announcement System?

I like the idea of a mini announcement. As chef I could announce what theme of cooking. or just exactly what ill be cooking so people can see and it not be to disruptive. sounds like fun for informing...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 15 1,897 10-30-2023, 11:12 AM
    Thread: Botany request console
Post: RE: Botany request console

Just umm, gonna bump this up. I was thinking about it the other day and was thinking how annoying it is recently having to sort all of the produce I get from botany by hand using satchel bags etc. W...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 11 1,440 10-27-2023, 06:37 AM
    Thread: Head of Security Application // Anderson Sheet //
Post: RE: Head of Security Application // Anderson Sheet...

After seeing Anderson work on quite a few rounds I can definitely say that he is very capable as a security officer. Hes one of the finest security officers that classic has in recent times. He is ve...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Denied Applications 12 2,380 10-21-2023, 09:48 AM
    Thread: [PR] Removes additional access from Security Officers and Heads of Security on the...
Post: RE: [PR] Removes additional access from Security O...

What access to RP sec get over classic anyway?
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 10 1,484 10-20-2023, 02:04 AM
    Thread: Add Bell peppers to botany and a way to grow seaweed
Post: Add Bell peppers to botany and a way to grow seawe...

As a Chef there are some recipes that I would like to see added that involve bell peppers and rework some previous ones. As well as this it would be nice to see them on a pizza :). Bell peppers: s...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 5 822 10-09-2023, 12:06 PM
    Thread: [PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown
Post: RE: [PR] Farts to have 5 second cooldown

I dont think I need to really state anything new, Everything I would like to say has been said by Zamu and sord. Just wanted to state that I am fully against this PR.
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 90 11,986 09-30-2023, 08:51 AM
    Thread: Sam(ooel) Raider for HOS Application!
Post: RE: Sam(ooel) Raider for HOS Application!

I can totally see Sam as a excellent HoS. They are literally everything a HoS needs to be, Ive very rarely had a bad interaction with Sam. they are very good at security, both from a robust point of v...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Approved Applications 9 1,832 09-29-2023, 08:12 AM
    Thread: Chemistry rework thoughts/feedback
Post: RE: Chemistry rework thoughts/feedback

Bunsen burner my beloved. 100% one of the best things they ever added to chemistry. but yeah I would also like more catalysts for condensers to be used in :).
Frolicsome Flufficorn General Discussion 13 2,281 09-26-2023, 12:25 AM
    Thread: New Job: Tailor
Post: RE: New Job: Tailor

Lovely Idea, Great for all around interconnectivity around the station. giving botany and ranch a purpose beyond their own personal goals is always a nice step. a job however always needs a way to sus...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 7 929 09-26-2023, 12:08 AM
    Thread: [CLOSED PR] Handcuffs: small usage nerf
Post: RE: [PR] Handcuffs: small usage nerf

Love this change. Its on a step forward and I like the direction its taking. Being able to cuff someone only from behind is perfect. I heard some people saying the fibre wire grab is janky? but ive...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 2 459 09-16-2023, 11:14 PM
    Thread: Remove Security's access to the crematorium on RP
Post: RE: Remove Security's access to the crematorium on...

I personally dont see the whole issue. why is crematorium that important? Like literally on classic it never gets used since the far easier method is just to go to the crusher to dispose of antags....
Frolicsome Flufficorn Good ideas! 25 3,502 09-13-2023, 10:57 PM
    Thread: Wraith Critters: Oh Hai Doggy
Post: RE: Wraith Critters: Oh Hai Doggy

It would be nice if the plague bringer and harbinger summons could also see the wraith at all times. and yes, they do need the mindhack clause since ive been killed by one of my summons before as a wr...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 8 1,057 09-10-2023, 11:27 PM
    Thread: Personal AI (PDA Liaison) - Playable PDA
Post: RE: Personal AI (PDA Liaison) - Playable PDA

Its really weird, I thought about this post the other day and was sad to think that it was left out and abandoned. Im very happy to hear its still being worked on. So thank you for that. I overall wou...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 18 3,009 09-10-2023, 10:47 PM
    Thread: Allow changelings to swap to eyespider's view
Post: RE: Allow changelings to swap to eyespider's view

I Love this idea. I love the idea of adding more interactions between the changeling and hivemind members. Thought I would rather it be a viewport like the AI or a blob then taking up the entire scree...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 4 548 09-09-2023, 05:48 AM
    Thread: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!)
Post: RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must se...

Cal Wrote: (09-07-2023, 08:59 AM) -- This seems extremely complicated and unnecessary since you're already spectating the ling? -- I think this is my error for making it sound that way, To code I c...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 8 1,102 09-07-2023, 10:19 AM
    Thread: Rearrangement of the Oshan bar
Post: RE: Rearrangement of the Oshan bar

Yeah, I like the change. it good.
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 4 584 09-06-2023, 06:47 AM
    Thread: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!)
Post: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!)

Alright, so there's nothing wrong with the current hivemind. But its bland, and a lot of people leave the hivemind ASAP. So what im suggesting is an actual large overhaul of the entire mechanic. Where...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 8 1,102 09-06-2023, 06:33 AM
    Thread: Rework Farts / Agent B (TEG Discussion)
Post: RE: Rework Farts / Agent B (TEG Discussion)

Eh, you really dont need to fart at a scrubber for that long to get a good pipe burn. The most ive ever gotten for the TEG was Undefined Watts. It only needs about 200 Pa which takes 2 minutes. I dont...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Ideas & Suggestions 4 613 09-03-2023, 06:58 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Reworks chest organ surgery
Post: RE: [PR] Reworks chest organ surgery

I would personally like the Hemostat to be something you actively have to use. I never liked it just being a thing you hold while doing surgery. So I would prefer it to have a place within the actual ...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Good ideas! 18 2,637 09-02-2023, 08:31 AM
    Thread: The tale of Crab Chef
Post: RE: The tale of Crab Chef

Omg is that the robust Specimen??? thats insane!!!
Frolicsome Flufficorn Stories 5 839 08-30-2023, 12:26 AM
    Thread: Mentor Application - MeggalBozale (Dr. Romayne)
Post: RE: Mentor Application - MeggalBozale (Dr. Romayne...

Extremely friendly within the game. Ive personally seen them be encouraging to new players. my personal experience ticks all the boxes for what i would expect from a mentor. (also not knowing about ho...
Frolicsome Flufficorn Approved Applications 13 1,915 08-23-2023, 12:43 AM