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Thread: Make farts and oxygen agent b more accessible
Post: RE: Make farts and oxygen agent b more accessible
What if we separated the fart emote/name from the gas. It'd take a lot of effort but honestly none of the methods of getting them currently aren't all that interesting in my opinion. |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
17 |
1,061 |
01-17-2025, 08:14 AM |
Thread: [MERGED PR] Add extra items to on-station security closets
Post: RE: [PR] Add extra items to security closets
Flashbangs are replaced? I'd assume it's because of how strong the combo can be, seems a bit odd though Also not a massive fan of the Headsets being there but I don't care a whole lot, if people want ... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
14 |
892 |
01-17-2025, 07:37 AM |
Thread: Head of Security Application - WinchNameIsTaken, Cynthia Tomato
Post: RE: Head of Security Application - WinchNameIsTake...
While I cannot speak for how you are in Security - I have no memory of running into you while you were playing it, personally not a fan of saying in the discord that your character "made a stand that ... |
444explorer |
7 |
695 |
01-11-2025, 02:45 AM |
Thread: security's coffee machine should be bugged by the syndicate
Post: RE: security's coffee machine should be bugged by ...
They already have access to all the intercoms and cameras. Originally was writing this as a reason why it's not a major deal but they already can spy on Security so that's also a reason aganist, I sup... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
4 |
385 |
12-31-2024, 03:23 PM |
Thread: matsci transparency gets an inspect tell
Post: RE: matsci transparency gets an inspect tell
it isnt one of those metsci get refactored thing
i was gonna add it to the scanner but i lost motivation |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
3 |
237 |
12-27-2024, 10:37 PM |
Thread: Synthetic humans or "Plant mutantrace"
Post: RE: Synthetic humans or "Plant mutantrace"
> all prerequsities are already in-game
not true, mutantrace refactor needs to finish before any new ones can be added
> rp motives having a larger impact
not a fan of more mechanical differences... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
11 |
822 |
11-26-2024, 07:30 AM |
Thread: Gangs on RP? What's your thoughts on it?
Post: RE: Gangs on RP? What's your thoughts on it?
NanoDano Wrote: (11-23-2024, 01:15 AM)
What if gangs got a limited amount of recruitment forms that were consumed on use and replenished over time?
Let's not go back to recruitment. It sucked... |
444explorer |
RP Discussion
21 |
1,408 |
11-24-2024, 06:11 AM |
Thread: Let's talk about the Detective
Post: RE: Let's talk about the Detective
Why not just make them unable to be restocked like the Armoury Buckshot if ammo is a concern?
Also, yeah, foresincs should be more indepth like what Cal said, but alas, needs someone to go and do tha... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
60 |
4,839 |
11-13-2024, 02:26 PM |
Thread: Lever Action Weapons?
Post: RE: Lever Action Weapons?
kyle2143 Wrote: (09-27-2024, 08:51 AM)
The Colt SAA requires you to cock the lever before firing each shot. Though it might only be in gang mode.
the detective gets the "peacemaker" job rewar... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
8 |
594 |
09-27-2024, 08:52 AM |
Thread: Lever Action Weapons?
Post: RE: Lever Action Weapons?
we have the revolver shotgun you have to cock thats close enough |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
8 |
594 |
09-27-2024, 08:38 AM |
Thread: Stowaway Jailbirds Should Get Sec Records
Post: RE: Stowaway Jailbirds Should Get Sec Records
the wanted posters idea is really funny |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
13 |
904 |
09-26-2024, 03:11 PM |
Thread: New Random event: Portal of Filth
Post: RE: New Random event: Portal of Filth
like the idea of toilets/ maybe sinks/showers, could maybe have a rarer variant pulling from a list of wacky chems... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
7 |
583 |
09-22-2024, 05:12 PM |
Thread: Klushy225/Munches Mentor application
Post: RE: Klushy225/Munches Mentor application
Active in the discord, active in game. You've answered a few questions in the questions channel and know how to code dive, which is good! Just make sure to be a bit more thorough while trying to be mo... |
444explorer |
Approved Applications
6 |
1,213 |
09-05-2024, 04:01 PM |
Thread: Avanth's Mentor Application
Post: RE: Avanth's Mentor Application
I've seen you in ss13-questions a fair bit and I know you're a good HoS, active in the discord and I don't think I've seen you be rude once - Keep branching out of Security and I couldn't think of a s... |
444explorer |
Approved Applications
8 |
947 |
09-05-2024, 03:59 PM |
Thread: [CLOSED PR] Enables Sims Mode/Motives on Classic
Post: RE: [PR] Enables Sims Mode on Classic
Curious. Interested to see how this plays out. |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
39 |
4,184 |
08-29-2024, 09:05 AM |
Thread: [CLOSED PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to wear hats and hair
Post: RE: [PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to...
Let's do it. Joel covers most of the points and I agree with them. I don't see much reason to not have cool hair on heads of lizards or skeletons. Bovines and Skeletons rock the shit out of hair so I... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
43 |
3,872 |
08-18-2024, 09:08 AM |
Thread: [PR] Increase chances for clone defects & add new defects
Post: RE: [PR] Increase chances for clone defects & add ...
I like these changes. I recently messaged Glamurio about changing Clown Clumsiness/Dyspraxia by making it temporary or killing it all together - that's my one concern. Some bad luck just puts you out ... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
34 |
2,443 |
08-15-2024, 07:09 AM |
Thread: [MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Post: RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
FireKestrel Wrote: (08-07-2024, 02:54 PM)
Hygiene is the only motive that actually works...
From my experience hunger and thirst completely fail at encouraging people to visit the bar, but hygie... |
444explorer |
Good ideas!
62 |
5,245 |
08-07-2024, 03:11 PM |
Thread: [MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Post: RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
This has been a long time coming in my opinion. Kill it! Kill Hygiene! |
444explorer |
Good ideas!
62 |
5,245 |
08-06-2024, 04:15 PM |
Thread: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses
Post: RE: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses
Kateaclysm Wrote: (08-06-2024, 08:17 AM)
Are you actually suggesting Security hack doors or break windows to get into places they "shouldn't be"? Because I've ahelped people for that in the past. ... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
101 |
8,930 |
08-06-2024, 10:56 AM |
Thread: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses
Post: RE: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses
Personal thoughts:
Mechanical differences between RP/Classic suck. It's not good and it's just sort of something you're supposed to just "read on the wiki" (this applies to many things, but it's a re... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
101 |
8,930 |
08-06-2024, 06:57 AM |
Thread: Medical Assistant kind of sucks for learning Medical
Post: Medical Assistant kind of sucks for learning Medic...
Medical Assistant in my opinion is the worst of the three (Engineering, Science and Medical Assistants - Security Assistants I consider seperate from those three due to having a more established 'plac... |
444explorer |
Ideas & Suggestions
2 |
308 |
07-26-2024, 12:23 PM |
Thread: Kate Smith's Head of Security Application
Post: RE: Kate Smith's Head of Security Application
Not someone who I would've originally considered, but when I think about it, sure! Kate is a good Security Officer who I've seen fairly often. I've seen you RP as well as "just go for it" when the tim... |
444explorer |
Denied Applications
15 |
2,760 |
06-05-2024, 04:33 AM |
Thread: Mentor Application - SgtManGuy/ What/ Pigeon
Post: RE: Mentor Application - SgtManGuy/ What/ Pigeon
Until now, I had no clue who you played. You've stuck out as a fairly active player, and Command especially. I've seen you teach one or two Doctors, and I appreciate it! Active in the discord too, not... |
444explorer |
Denied Applications
3 |
385 |
06-05-2024, 04:26 AM |
Thread: post your favorite ways to die
Post: RE: post your favorite ways to die
The niche, not often seen and hidden away deaths are often my favourite. QGP, Chaos Dunks and a few deaths found in adventure zones come to mind. Outside that though, one of my favourite ways to die i... |
444explorer |
General Discussion
30 |
2,776 |
05-29-2024, 03:55 PM |