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    Thread: Make farts and oxygen agent b more accessible
Post: RE: Make farts and oxygen agent b more accessible

What if we separated the fart emote/name from the gas. It'd take a lot of effort but honestly none of the methods of getting them currently aren't all that interesting in my opinion.
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 17 1,061 01-17-2025, 08:14 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Add extra items to on-station security closets
Post: RE: [PR] Add extra items to security closets

Flashbangs are replaced? I'd assume it's because of how strong the combo can be, seems a bit odd though Also not a massive fan of the Headsets being there but I don't care a whole lot, if people want ...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 14 892 01-17-2025, 07:37 AM
    Thread: Head of Security Application - WinchNameIsTaken, Cynthia Tomato
Post: RE: Head of Security Application - WinchNameIsTake...

While I cannot speak for how you are in Security - I have no memory of running into you while you were playing it, personally not a fan of saying in the discord that your character "made a stand that ...
444explorer Applications 7 695 01-11-2025, 02:45 AM
    Thread: security's coffee machine should be bugged by the syndicate
Post: RE: security's coffee machine should be bugged by ...

They already have access to all the intercoms and cameras. Originally was writing this as a reason why it's not a major deal but they already can spy on Security so that's also a reason aganist, I sup...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 4 385 12-31-2024, 03:23 PM
    Thread: matsci transparency gets an inspect tell
Post: RE: matsci transparency gets an inspect tell

it isnt one of those metsci get refactored thing i was gonna add it to the scanner but i lost motivation
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 3 237 12-27-2024, 10:37 PM
    Thread: Synthetic humans or "Plant mutantrace"
Post: RE: Synthetic humans or "Plant mutantrace"

> all prerequsities are already in-game not true, mutantrace refactor needs to finish before any new ones can be added > rp motives having a larger impact not a fan of more mechanical differences...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 11 822 11-26-2024, 07:30 AM
    Thread: Gangs on RP? What's your thoughts on it?
Post: RE: Gangs on RP? What's your thoughts on it?

NanoDano Wrote: (11-23-2024, 01:15 AM) -- What if gangs got a limited amount of recruitment forms that were consumed on use and replenished over time? -- Let's not go back to recruitment. It sucked...
444explorer RP Discussion 21 1,408 11-24-2024, 06:11 AM
    Thread: Let's talk about the Detective
Post: RE: Let's talk about the Detective

Why not just make them unable to be restocked like the Armoury Buckshot if ammo is a concern? Also, yeah, foresincs should be more indepth like what Cal said, but alas, needs someone to go and do tha...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 60 4,839 11-13-2024, 02:26 PM
    Thread: Lever Action Weapons?
Post: RE: Lever Action Weapons?

kyle2143 Wrote: (09-27-2024, 08:51 AM) -- The Colt SAA requires you to cock the lever before firing each shot. Though it might only be in gang mode. -- the detective gets the "peacemaker" job rewar...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 8 594 09-27-2024, 08:52 AM
    Thread: Lever Action Weapons?
Post: RE: Lever Action Weapons?

we have the revolver shotgun you have to cock thats close enough
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 8 594 09-27-2024, 08:38 AM
    Thread: Stowaway Jailbirds Should Get Sec Records
Post: RE: Stowaway Jailbirds Should Get Sec Records

the wanted posters idea is really funny
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 13 904 09-26-2024, 03:11 PM
    Thread: New Random event: Portal of Filth
Post: RE: New Random event: Portal of Filth

like the idea of toilets/ maybe sinks/showers, could maybe have a rarer variant pulling from a list of wacky chems...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 7 583 09-22-2024, 05:12 PM
    Thread: Klushy225/Munches Mentor application
Post: RE: Klushy225/Munches Mentor application

Active in the discord, active in game. You've answered a few questions in the questions channel and know how to code dive, which is good! Just make sure to be a bit more thorough while trying to be mo...
444explorer Approved Applications 6 1,213 09-05-2024, 04:01 PM
    Thread: Avanth's Mentor Application
Post: RE: Avanth's Mentor Application

I've seen you in ss13-questions a fair bit and I know you're a good HoS, active in the discord and I don't think I've seen you be rude once - Keep branching out of Security and I couldn't think of a s...
444explorer Approved Applications 8 947 09-05-2024, 03:59 PM
    Thread: [CLOSED PR] Enables Sims Mode/Motives on Classic
Post: RE: [PR] Enables Sims Mode on Classic

Curious. Interested to see how this plays out.
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 39 4,184 08-29-2024, 09:05 AM
    Thread: [CLOSED PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to wear hats and hair
Post: RE: [PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to...

Let's do it. Joel covers most of the points and I agree with them. I don't see much reason to not have cool hair on heads of lizards or skeletons. Bovines and Skeletons rock the shit out of hair so I...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 43 3,872 08-18-2024, 09:08 AM
    Thread: [PR] Increase chances for clone defects & add new defects
Post: RE: [PR] Increase chances for clone defects & add ...

I like these changes. I recently messaged Glamurio about changing Clown Clumsiness/Dyspraxia by making it temporary or killing it all together - that's my one concern. Some bad luck just puts you out ...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 34 2,443 08-15-2024, 07:09 AM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Post: RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP

FireKestrel Wrote: (08-07-2024, 02:54 PM) -- Hygiene is the only motive that actually works... From my experience hunger and thirst completely fail at encouraging people to visit the bar, but hygie...
444explorer Good ideas! 62 5,245 08-07-2024, 03:11 PM
    Thread: [MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Post: RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP

This has been a long time coming in my opinion. Kill it! Kill Hygiene!
444explorer Good ideas! 62 5,245 08-06-2024, 04:15 PM
    Thread: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses
Post: RE: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses

Kateaclysm Wrote: (08-06-2024, 08:17 AM) -- Are you actually suggesting Security hack doors or break windows to get into places they "shouldn't be"? Because I've ahelped people for that in the past. ...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 101 8,930 08-06-2024, 10:56 AM
    Thread: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses
Post: RE: Unify Classic and RP Sec accesses

Personal thoughts: Mechanical differences between RP/Classic suck. It's not good and it's just sort of something you're supposed to just "read on the wiki" (this applies to many things, but it's a re...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 101 8,930 08-06-2024, 06:57 AM
    Thread: Medical Assistant kind of sucks for learning Medical
Post: Medical Assistant kind of sucks for learning Medic...

Medical Assistant in my opinion is the worst of the three (Engineering, Science and Medical Assistants - Security Assistants I consider seperate from those three due to having a more established 'plac...
444explorer Ideas & Suggestions 2 308 07-26-2024, 12:23 PM
    Thread: Kate Smith's Head of Security Application
Post: RE: Kate Smith's Head of Security Application

Not someone who I would've originally considered, but when I think about it, sure! Kate is a good Security Officer who I've seen fairly often. I've seen you RP as well as "just go for it" when the tim...
444explorer Denied Applications 15 2,760 06-05-2024, 04:33 AM
    Thread: Mentor Application - SgtManGuy/ What/ Pigeon
Post: RE: Mentor Application - SgtManGuy/ What/ Pigeon

Until now, I had no clue who you played. You've stuck out as a fairly active player, and Command especially. I've seen you teach one or two Doctors, and I appreciate it! Active in the discord too, not...
444explorer Denied Applications 3 385 06-05-2024, 04:26 AM
    Thread: post your favorite ways to die
Post: RE: post your favorite ways to die

The niche, not often seen and hidden away deaths are often my favourite. QGP, Chaos Dunks and a few deaths found in adventure zones come to mind. Outside that though, one of my favourite ways to die i...
444explorer General Discussion 30 2,776 05-29-2024, 03:55 PM