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    Thread: Ideas of questionable quality
Post: RE: Ideas of questionable quality

is there a superburp counterpart to superfart. perhaps it could synergize with that mutation that makes u yell all the time to create a sonic terror weapon
misto Ideas & Suggestions 4,394 2,250,268 07-17-2018, 04:10 AM
    Thread: Make the Slow Metabolism Trait depletion rate the new default rate
Post: RE: Make the Slow Metabolism Trait depletion rate ...

better idea remove survivalist food healing as a pickable trait and just give it to every organic player free so food is more relevant at all
misto Ideas & Suggestions 12 7,213 07-12-2018, 10:29 AM
    Thread: Remove all of the gameplay-based restrictions for drones on NPCS
Post: RE: Remove all of the gameplay-based restrictions ...

id say that letting them mess with monkeys should be legal because thats what lab monkeys are for, getting messed with
misto Ideas & Suggestions 3 2,402 07-12-2018, 10:27 AM
    Thread: Taping Photos to Security Cameras
Post: RE: Taping Photos to Security Cameras

The Grim Sleeper Wrote: (07-10-2018, 09:12 AM) -- Photo's in SS13 aren't full screen-grabs of the game-view; it's just 2 sprites on a white square sprite. So the idea of fun snap-shots in place of a...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 20 13,421 07-10-2018, 01:30 PM
    Thread: Taping Photos to Security Cameras
Post: RE: Taping Photos to Security Cameras

sounds ok 2 me although may bring certain complexities, has there been much change to how film cameras work? would it just cause the security cam to freeze its image? wouldnt that result in you giving...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 20 13,421 07-09-2018, 05:34 PM
    Thread: Ideas of questionable quality
Post: RE: Ideas of questionable quality

you know, having another entity in the AI-net system would also really help solve the fact that rogue ais can hardly do anything without blowing their cover, this virus business would help give a slig...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 4,394 2,250,268 07-09-2018, 05:32 PM
    Thread: misto tries spriting, also new trader portraits
Post: RE: misto tries spriting, also new trader portrait...

oh yeah. if you ever implement the airgun and pipe shotgun, they should probably be 2handed, since i saw you have implemented 2handedness of wepons. although, would that mean you have to drop them on ...
misto Sprites 67 59,779 07-09-2018, 03:02 PM
    Thread: Occlupanidae for Certified Hydroponics-Fresh "Food" Products!
Post: RE: Occlupanidae for Certified Hydroponics-Fresh "...

foods left unwrapped for too long should develop mold, the ants should get inside it instead of just on the tile, etc. etc.
misto Ideas & Suggestions 7 4,696 07-06-2018, 03:58 PM
    Thread: "Mafia" gamemode
Post: RE: "Mafia" gamemode

while various ss13 modes do have mafia like features, theres nothing wrong with trying to speculate on a mode that is closer to the source, if you really think you can differentiate it from the other ...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 4 3,352 07-06-2018, 03:55 PM
    Thread: Pathology disease ideas
Post: RE: Pathology disease ideas

grewp's disease: your fingernails and toenails fall out and clutter up the place, yuck floater's disease: causes those weird floaty things inside your eyeballs to become more noticeable and therefo...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 30 19,863 07-06-2018, 03:46 PM
    Thread: 4th of July suggestion: Second Amendment rounds
Post: RE: 4th of July suggestion: Second Amendment round...

take the matter into your own hands by playing electrician/mechanic/whatever its called now and scanning and distributing guns
misto Ideas & Suggestions 7 5,183 07-04-2018, 05:09 PM
    Thread: Hackable forklift
Post: RE: Hackable forklift

other than the obvious of running ppl over and stabbing them, let it be used to lift vending machines and shit and position them to block halls and be a terrible nuisance chemistry equipment and na...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 19 12,614 07-02-2018, 05:41 PM
    Thread: Ideas of questionable quality
Post: RE: Ideas of questionable quality

the red tape concept is worth a laff but sounds possibly more "id be better off dead" than cluwning for victims due to the complex removal process
misto Ideas & Suggestions 4,394 2,250,268 07-02-2018, 05:05 PM
    Thread: Revamp Container Artifacts
Post: RE: Revamp Container Artifacts

-an npc trader who sells you things -random disease sample for virology to play with -causes wormhole event because the container "contained" some wormholes -an omnitool like borgs have but holdabl...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 11 6,530 07-02-2018, 04:52 PM
    Thread: Hats of paper
Post: RE: Hats of paper

yeah, and you can take cash tips in your hat while performing music or juggling
misto Ideas & Suggestions 20 13,095 07-01-2018, 12:03 PM
    Thread: Preach to everybody about your favorite not Goonstation game
Post: RE: Preach to everybody about your favorite not Go...

i have been enjoying icewind dale a lot lately. i missed out on a lot of these infinity engine games back at the time so it is good fun hitting them now. and theyre cheap if you wait till sale time
misto General Discussion 97 67,431 07-01-2018, 11:00 AM
    Thread: Character Creation Suggestions
Post: RE: Character Creation Suggestions

-preferred lizard scales color for if u get turned into a lizard -preferred martian color (green or reddish or martian warrior markings) for if u spawn as martian diplomat or somehow get turned into ...
misto Ideas & Suggestions 16 10,608 07-01-2018, 10:51 AM
    Thread: Ideas of questionable quality
Post: RE: Ideas of questionable quality

let user choose color of alt species mutation color ie lizard color: orange purple guy color: something other than purple roachman or antman color: blue
misto Ideas & Suggestions 4,394 2,250,268 06-30-2018, 12:36 AM
    Thread: sewing masks into faces
Post: RE: sewing masks into faces

why sew? we already have staplers
misto Ideas & Suggestions 5 3,808 11-20-2017, 04:22 PM
    Thread: Just let me kill him.
Post: RE: Just let me kill him.

good video editing, gave me a cheerful chuckle
misto General Discussion 19 12,936 11-19-2017, 10:04 PM
    Thread: Make detectives start with a loyalty implant
Post: RE: Make detectives start with a loyalty implant

give detective 50% chance of having loyalty implant. thus, he will be BY THE BOOK if loyalty implanted, or LOOSE CANNON if not
misto Ideas & Suggestions 22 15,880 11-19-2017, 03:21 PM
    Thread: Stuff you like/dislike from other servers
Post: RE: Stuff you like/dislike from other servers

goonstation has/had predators, and they werent too great, being mostly just regular guys with some gear, most of which is basically already regular traitor gear. you know who else has predators? colon...
misto General Discussion 46 35,064 11-19-2017, 03:10 PM
    Thread: Pods should have headlights
Post: RE: Pods should have headlights

good idea haprenti
misto Ideas & Suggestions 17 12,663 11-19-2017, 10:10 AM
    Thread: Casual conversation thread, post whatever. (Number 14 woo)
Post: RE: Casual conversation thread, post whatever's on...

i have morrowind filed away in my steam wishlist. i dont know about system shock 2 because i wont have nostalgia power because i never played it back in the day yet also have absorbed thru osmosis mod...
misto General Discussion 346 235,444 11-19-2017, 08:51 AM
    Thread: Casual conversation thread, post whatever. (Number 14 woo)
Post: RE: Casual conversation thread, post whatever's on...

i have significant unhappy concerns for the health and hope of human civilization but thats kind of an unfun discussion topic. my laptop is nearing 8 years old so if any of you have any recommendat...
misto General Discussion 346 235,444 11-19-2017, 07:19 AM