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Thread: brief word of thanks
Post: brief word of thanks
i have been a semi-regular player here and this would not be the case if the admins were not as patient with my shitty past behavior as they have been. i think hanging around and kind of befriending t... |
lordvoxelrot |
Admin Feedback
0 |
430 |
07-18-2023, 06:15 PM |
Thread: dennis' big smelly mentor application
Post: dennis' big smelly mentor application
Usual character name: dennis mccreary/esc
BYOND username: lordvoxelrot
Discord username: seppucrow#1312
Recommended by: lucky cobra on discord
Goon servers you play: goon 1 heisenbee baybayyyyy :... |
lordvoxelrot |
Denied Applications
3 |
977 |
04-06-2023, 07:58 PM |
Thread: [CLOSED PR] Add several food synthesizer options for an emagged Brocop cyborg
Post: RE: [PR] Add several food synthesizer options for ...
i like this, i'd actually like it if all emagged borgs got new toys and hacked versions of the tools they have, but that's an entirely different balance discussion in itself. this idea seems harmless ... |
lordvoxelrot |
Ideas & Suggestions
6 |
1,594 |
10-05-2022, 04:52 PM |
Thread: Ideas of questionable quality
Post: RE: Ideas of questionable quality
something i came up with when i was really high that's basically data from star trek, have the station start with one braindead human which essentially acts the same as an ai shell. it can interface w... |
lordvoxelrot |
Ideas & Suggestions
4,442 |
2,281,325 |
10-03-2022, 05:27 PM |
Thread: Trait Idea: Lightweight
Post: Trait Idea: Lightweight
Rather straightforward, I think. Lightweight would be a negative/free trait which drastically decreases the overdose threshold of all chemicals, making any party a perilous dance with debilitating ill... |
lordvoxelrot |
Ideas & Suggestions
5 |
1,318 |
09-30-2022, 06:29 PM |