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Thread: Romance and Goonstation RP
Post: RE: Romance and Goonstation RP
This is a can of worms that I hadn't intended on weighing in on, mostly because my opinion doesn't matter and criticism hardly does either, but man. A lot of good points are being raised that I can't ... |
junori |
RP Discussion
41 |
5,681 |
10-04-2024, 12:41 AM |
Thread: Jimbob Motha's HoS Application
Post: RE: Jimbob Motha's HoS Application
I don't play sec often but they're a reasonable and level-headed officer, on and off the clock to play against. Always fun to see them in the round, and a good example of someone who's not too strict.... |
junori |
Denied Applications
5 |
759 |
08-23-2024, 08:12 PM |
Thread: [CLOSED PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to wear hats and hair
Post: RE: [PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to...
Mutantrace rework has been talked about for years at this point with no word on when it’ll be done. Saying to wait for it is ridiculous, and I think more “bandaid” fixes isn’t necessarily a bad thing.... |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
43 |
3,874 |
08-18-2024, 06:43 AM |
Thread: Salevran Marendan- HOS application
Post: RE: Salevran Marendan- HOS application
Sal doesn't take the game too seriously which is always a plus in my mind. Remember, a HoS is just a discount clown. Always a fun player to be around, whether AI, security, engineering, antag, whateve... |
junori |
Denied Applications
18 |
2,714 |
08-14-2024, 12:19 PM |
Thread: Allow disabling the ability to roll sleeper agent.
Post: RE: Allow disabling the ability to roll sleeper ag...
If I'm playing a character that has traitor enabled I always get a little nervous when the sleeper roll comes around. And not in the good way. I totally believe that they could be separate, and I also... |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
11 |
1,100 |
03-09-2024, 04:58 PM |
Thread: Jonaleia/Arcas mentor app
Post: RE: Jonaleia/Arcas mentor app
444explorer Wrote: (02-25-2024, 10:46 AM)
Events are more so a perk of being a mentor than why you'd be a mentor, in my opinion. If you aren't applying to help people I'm not really sure if Mentor... |
junori |
Denied Applications
14 |
1,908 |
02-25-2024, 10:54 AM |
Thread: Jonaleia/Arcas mentor app
Post: Jonaleia/Arcas mentor app
Usual character name: Arcas Lake-Younger (and AI/cyborgs BL NK and ARCADIAN)
BYOND username: Jonaleia
Discord username: junori
Recommended by: no one in particular
Goon servers you play: 3, someti... |
junori |
Denied Applications
14 |
1,908 |
02-24-2024, 08:30 PM |
Thread: Sound accessibility features (?)
Post: RE: Sound accessibility features (?)
I only really have issues with the drain sound personally, and it's definitely not a volume thing. It's just the general... I dunno, it's hard to explain *why* I hate certain noises but such is the li... |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
3 |
406 |
02-07-2024, 05:37 PM |
Thread: Sound accessibility features (?)
Post: Sound accessibility features (?)
I'm unsure how feasible this would be to code or anything but as something with severe sound sensitivities I've brought it up with others and other people agree that there are just some things in Goon... |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
3 |
406 |
02-07-2024, 05:26 PM |
Thread: Suggestions: Lings SM Sting replaced with Self DNA scramble
Post: RE: Suggestions: Lings SM Sting replaced with Self...
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
15 |
1,659 |
02-07-2024, 05:22 PM |
Thread: Remove Hygiene Motive from RP
Post: RE: Remove Hygiene Motive from RP
i'm pretty neutral on this to be honest. would be nice to not instantly go to zero hygiene for walking over a puddle of blood as a cow. but also, calling people out on their stink lines... priceless |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
43 |
4,697 |
01-14-2024, 09:46 AM |
Thread: Charles Fallare's HoS application
Post: RE: Charles Fallare's HoS application
Piesuu and Fallare are the type of people that make you go "wait, they're not already HoS?" Easy +1 from me. |
junori |
Denied Applications
24 |
3,451 |
01-09-2024, 08:18 PM |
Thread: Sally MacCaa's HoS application
Post: RE: Sally MacCaa's HoS application
Och nae.
But seriously, Sally is a great officer and a good role model for other officers, even with the funny accent. Having Sally on the team is always a good thing, and would love to see her wi... |
junori |
Approved Applications
28 |
4,715 |
01-09-2024, 08:16 PM |
Thread: [CLOSED PR] Allow cloning rotten people, add additional cloner defects depending o...
Post: RE: [PR] Allow cloning rotten people, add addition...
Would honestly prefer a nerf to cloning over this. Cloning is already far too powerful, and this just incentivises antags gibbing corpses and such which would no doubt make people saltier than just ke... |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
40 |
4,902 |
12-06-2023, 01:50 PM |
Thread: Kregle's Mentor Application
Post: RE: Kregle's Mentor Application
Very friendly and welcoming! I don't think I've ever had a negative experience with Gregory ~ever~. I don't know how much they've taught others as I don't often play in the same department as Gregory,... |
junori |
Denied Applications
3 |
776 |
10-30-2023, 02:38 PM |
Thread: Bichael Chain's Mentor Application
Post: RE: Bichael Chain's Mentor Application
Easy +1. Very fun and welcoming in the discord. Bichael is always a treat to have on shift, and definitely knowledgeable. |
junori |
Denied Applications
11 |
1,680 |
09-08-2023, 08:36 PM |
Thread: [PR] AI Eyebot rework
Post: RE: [PR] AI Eyebot rework
Balance and mechanics issues aside, just from the perspective of an RP player, I would really love to see this change happen, and some way to make it work. It's basically like a ghostdrone but you get... |
junori |
Ideas & Suggestions
33 |
3,980 |
09-04-2023, 02:53 PM |
Thread: [MERGED PR] Chemical production rework
Post: RE: [PR] Chemical production rework
im not good at articulating my thoughts but heres my thoughts on the changes so far, after playing a round or two. i think its alright! its refreshing, different, but there are a lot of things that al... |
junori |
Good ideas!
29 |
3,822 |
09-03-2023, 12:52 AM |
Thread: HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail)
Post: RE: HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail)
Davies is always level-headed from what I've seen and fairly good at making decisions. I personally haven't seen them train new secasses a lot, but I have been playing sec considerably less over the p... |
junori |
Approved Applications
21 |
4,182 |
08-10-2023, 02:46 PM |
Thread: Elias Martin's Head of Security Application
Post: RE: Elias Martin's Head of Security Application
Elias falls under the "struggles with decisiveness" pitfall of security that most RPsec players do, but otherwise, I totally recommend him. I think making more snap decisions on what to do with antags... |
junori |
Approved Applications
18 |
3,970 |
08-02-2023, 02:29 AM |
Thread: Mentor Application: 444/Aspen/Minty
Post: RE: Mentor Application: 444/Aspen/Minty
Surprised there aren't more comments here. 444 is someone I definitely would love to see as a mentor. They are active in the community and helpful to new players, from what I've seen. I don't recall h... |
junori |
Approved Applications
19 |
3,457 |
08-02-2023, 02:25 AM |
Thread: HoS Application - Hailey Marshall
Post: RE: HoS Application - Hailey Marshall
Hailey has always been great to work with, and if I recall, might've taught me a thing or two or inspired confidence in me when I first started out in sec! Definitely would be a good figure to put in ... |
junori |
Approved Applications
21 |
4,473 |
08-02-2023, 02:22 AM |