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  Big Grin Thread: Mentor App?? Ezra Callison
Post: Mentor App?? Ezra Callison

:jons: Usual character name: Ezra Callison BYOND username: comradeinput Discord username (if you are on our discord): Ezra NO2 Callison Recommended by (if applicable): No one Goon servers you pla...
Input Approved Applications 21 6,341 12-12-2022, 01:36 PM
    Thread: Bob Guy Mentor Application 2: The Sequel
Post: RE: Bob Guy Mentor Application 2: The Sequel

1+ Bombini needs its stronk HoS to go purple and become even stinkier. Friendly face in goon 2 and will bring upon peace!
Input Denied Applications 19 6,292 08-29-2022, 06:40 PM
    Thread: Osmosis Jones/Osmosis Bones Mentor Application
Post: RE: Osmosis Jones/Osmosis Bones Mentor Application

+1 Hes a pretty knowledgable person in the game and knows his ins and out of the station, Just keep a friendly attitude and be a good face and image for the community and inspiring fun times
Input Approved Applications 14 4,479 08-14-2022, 11:40 AM
  Wink Thread: Mentor App?? Ezra Callison
Post: Mentor App?? Ezra Callison

Usual character name: Ezra Callison BYOND username:ComradeInput Discord username (if you are on our discord): Ezra "NO2" Callison Recommended by (if applicable): Goon servers you play: Goon Classi...
Input Denied Applications 13 4,078 04-22-2022, 09:26 AM
    Thread: Mentor Application - Lawrence Whemair/WHZ (thatsmamaluigitoyoumario)
Post: RE: Mentor Application - Lawrence Whemair/WHZ (tha...

Lawrence definitely knows a great deal and is a fun, fair dude! +1
Input Approved Applications 15 4,825 04-22-2022, 08:52 AM
    Thread: HoS Application 2: Morgan Freeman
Post: RE: HoS Application 2: Morgan Freeman

Blue is better +1,,,,,,,,,,,, Long time Security Player, Responsive and communicative to the team. Might be too stinky for the role but He can work on that
Input Approved Applications 15 5,417 04-22-2022, 08:50 AM
    Thread: Head of Security application: Garion Aziz. The Arbiter from the head
Post: RE: Head of Security application: Garion Aziz. The...

Garion, I haven't seen them up until a few months ago and although of that theyve Definitely made a presence within the community, they are responsive and keep up with security teammates and a Fun pla...
Input Approved Applications 17 5,717 04-22-2022, 08:48 AM
    Thread: HOS app- tavish finnegan from Blue to Red
Post: RE: HOS app- tavish finnegan from Blue to Red

Tavish is good security officer, Charges into battle and has a good understanding of map layout and how to secure antagonists. He's fun and considerate towards what procedures to take when antags are ...
Input Approved Applications 24 8,608 02-16-2022, 09:58 AM
    Thread: Ezra Callison, HoS Application
Post: Ezra Callison, HoS Application

Usual character name: Ezra Callison BYOND username: Comradeinput Discord username (if you are on our discord): Input #2743 Goon servers you play: Goonstation 1 Heinsenbee Reason for application:...
Input Approved Applications 18 6,646 11-24-2021, 12:17 PM
    Thread: 2nd Mentor Application (Ezra Callison)
Post: 2nd Mentor Application (Ezra Callison)

Usual character name: Ezra Callison BYOND username: ComradeInput Discord username (if you are on our discord): Input #2743 Recommended by (if applicable): Investigangster Klutz, Echo Five Goon ser...
Input Denied Applications 3 1,615 09-04-2021, 06:25 PM
    Thread: HoS application ( Ezra Callison )
Post: RE: HoS application ( Ezra Callison )

Ok i am pretty new checking out the dates we both joined, I just noticed! AAA
Input Denied Applications 11 4,508 07-16-2021, 08:53 PM
    Thread: HoS application ( Ezra Callison )
Post: RE: HoS application ( Ezra Callison )

Kovirii Wrote: (07-16-2021, 02:11 AM) -- You're new but I like +1 you -- Im not that new! lol. But thank you kindly
Input Denied Applications 11 4,508 07-16-2021, 06:46 PM
    Thread: HoS application ( Ezra Callison )
Post: HoS application ( Ezra Callison )

Usual character name: Ezra Callison BYOND username: ComradeInput Reccomended By : Justin Falkin Discord username (if you are on our discord): Ezra Callison - Input#2743 Goon servers you play...
Input Denied Applications 11 4,508 06-07-2021, 11:28 PM
    Thread: Mentor Application (Ezra Callison)
Post: Mentor Application (Ezra Callison)

Usual character name: Ezra Callison BYOND username: ComradeInput Discord username (if you are on our discord): Input #2743 Recommended by (if applicable): Investigangster Klutz Goon servers you pl...
Input Denied Applications 13 5,759 04-28-2021, 11:33 PM
    Thread: Klutz / Sergeant Killbees HOS app.
Post: RE: Klutz / Sergeant Killbees HOS app.

Froggit knows the law and has kept the station pretty safe when hes the law. Hes a formidable opponent for antagonists and will keep security strong. +1
Input Approved Applications 17 7,492 04-20-2021, 02:04 PM