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    Thread: Squid person rework
Post: RE: Squid person rework

Carbadox Wrote: (12-11-2020, 10:30 AM) -- water addiction -- This is an elegant solution. Yes.
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 3 2,029 12-11-2020, 10:31 AM
    Thread: Squid person rework
Post: RE: Squid person rework

I think breathing is too complicated to balance. As I mentioned in the other thread, moving faster through water is probably a better move (including pools of water on the main station/ship), with the...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 3 2,029 12-11-2020, 05:55 AM
    Thread: [PR] Adds new species trait "Squid", transforming the character into a Squid Perso...
Post: RE: [PR] Adds new species trait "Squid", transform...

On the contrary, I actually think Zoidberg-esque Squidperson is the most alien of them all. Better than cow, which was a joke race at first but now it's a thing? Fucking cows. Off topic - Honestl...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 3 1,807 12-11-2020, 05:50 AM
    Thread: Give latejoin sec an antag token if they would have rolled traitor
Post: RE: Give latejoin sec an antag token if they would...

KikiMofo Wrote: (12-10-2020, 09:26 AM) -- I like your suggestion sundance but wouldnt that bring up the problem of no one round starting as sec and instead always late joining because latejoin NTSO-l...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 18 7,197 12-11-2020, 04:49 AM
    Thread: Give latejoin sec an antag token if they would have rolled traitor
Post: RE: Give latejoin sec an antag token if they would...

Nah. The intention here is good though, so I can understand Katzens motivations here. Security DOES suffer from late-join enrolment, but I don't think the antag-cheese-on-a-stick is the best cours...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 18 7,197 12-10-2020, 03:49 AM
    Thread: Potential Change(s) of Balance for the Skeleton Trait
Post: RE: Potential Change(s) of Balance for the Skeleto...

Counter suggestion: Put milk in vending machines, but in short supply (2 bottles per blue vendor). Then put horrible DD Malk ("Now with vitamin R!") in the red ones.
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 30 12,665 12-10-2020, 02:15 AM
    Thread: More goodies for the Cairngorm
Post: RE: More goodies for the Cairngorm

+1 on Bats comment.  That said, my nitpicking was leaning towards this. Items that could be given I feel are busy-body items. Good nukies will be ripping up tables already, so why not just give the...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 14 5,924 12-05-2020, 04:18 AM
    Thread: ice cream should not be a valid target for extraction
Post: RE: ice cream should not be a valid target for ext...

Sounds like Santa just being a major douche imo. I don't think Santa, given his jolliness should be made an antagonist through conversion. Unless of course, its actually a changeling wearing santas sk...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 17 7,225 12-03-2020, 04:47 AM
    Thread: More goodies for the Cairngorm
Post: RE: More goodies for the Cairngorm

Keep in mind that some goodies were specifically taken away for balance reasons, leaning towards the weapon sets to fill in the blanks. The Fanny Pack Inventory management is a balance purpose. You d...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 14 5,924 12-03-2020, 04:44 AM
    Thread: O, Spacemas Tree 2020!
Post: RE: O, Spacemas Tree 2020!

rando212 Wrote: (12-02-2020, 08:55 PM) -- oh thanks is it 16 by 16? -- ye
Sundance General Discussion 43 21,267 12-03-2020, 03:21 AM
    Thread: O, Spacemas Tree 2020!
Post: RE: O, Spacemas Tree 2020!

Oh god the 1200x1200 px timberdoodle is going to kill us all! Don't worry, I got you fam. Hold on. [hr]
Sundance General Discussion 43 21,267 12-02-2020, 04:46 PM
    Thread: Improving the Spy traitor
Post: RE: Improving the Spy traitor

I also don't think contributing goals would be a good idea. Although, I would be for the idea that spies could be grouped together in that they're not against each other per se? As in, say you hav...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 19 8,615 12-01-2020, 09:02 AM
    Thread: Should older maps be updated to use Donut3 coloured and non coloured walls?
Post: RE: Should older maps be updated to use Donut3 col...

Yes, i'd like this. As a completely adjacent suggestion, i'd also love if wallpaper was purchasable. Currently colored walls are just turf related. For simplicity, it should be like that for round...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 7 3,299 12-01-2020, 08:28 AM
    Thread: Allow cyborgs to assemble light fixtures
Post: RE: Allow cyborgs to assemble light fixtures

You do not need to overload a light over a welding tank to remotely explode it. Any spark from any source will do it. As for the idea itself, sure! I think Bartimeus' suggestion that just having t...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 15 6,474 12-01-2020, 08:22 AM
    Thread: The Role of Security and Antagonists on RP Servers
Post: RE: The Role of Security and Antagonists on RP Ser...

I'mma weigh in here as an old fart HoS that's been here far too long. This isn't unique to RP, nor unique to the present date. Sec has ALWAYS been like this, and always will be. It is the nature of th...
Sundance RP Discussion 17 9,036 11-27-2020, 09:47 AM
    Thread: [PR] Remove infiltrator from syndicate vendor
Post: RE: [PR] Remove infiltrator from syndicate vendor

I also agree with Dimwhat that the sleep darts could be adjusted. Should be long enough (1-2 mins) to strip the captain, quick acting enough that you're not going to be mobbed with a number of retalia...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 13 5,546 11-26-2020, 10:08 AM
    Thread: [PR] Remove infiltrator from syndicate vendor
Post: RE: [PR] Remove infiltrator from syndicate vendor

I have successfully used Infiltrator numerous times. It is my favourite class by far. Safe to say, I do not like this patch. One simple change to the infiltrator is that they are geared with infil...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 13 5,546 11-26-2020, 10:01 AM
    Thread: Contraband rework - Also helps with forensics, kinda!
Post: RE: Contraband rework - Also helps with forensics,...

A sound idea. Key issue is how to implement it. This will be available on the Security records, I got that much. I'm assuming along with all the other options, there will be an option to [Adjust Co...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 8 3,320 11-26-2020, 05:22 AM
    Thread: Girlfriend Mode
Post: RE: Girlfriend Mode

Add waifu mode Also the image i'm getting in my head of Frank's GF at 4 in the morning with two pillows over her ears meanwhile in SS13, Franks character is slipping and sliding at Medbay in a pud...
Sundance Good ideas! 10 4,627 11-19-2020, 01:21 AM
    Thread: Helpful Help Intent or: Less Agress & Stress
Post: RE: Helpful Help Intent or: Less Agress & Stress

There's already quite a number of interactive intents with guns other than shooting. Just so we're clear: HELP: Pistol whips at pointblank GRAB: Holds the player at "gunpoint" at pointblank, trigger...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 10 4,233 11-18-2020, 08:51 AM
    Thread: [PR] Removes ass jam
Post: RE: [PR] Removes ass jam

On a more positive note, I'll just add that there's two things from Assjam that i'd like to see going forward, on the basis that it would be removed: 1. A lot of the weird stuff (Beepsky gun, Fart sh...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 28 11,739 11-13-2020, 08:42 AM
    Thread: [PR] Removes ass jam
Post: RE: [PR] Removes ass jam

My experiences with Ass Jam have not been brilliant. This is all anecdotal so take this as you may, but the times I've played Ass Jam, in one instance I was griefed pretty heinously (vs non antago...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 28 11,739 11-13-2020, 03:40 AM
    Thread: Reworking Motives (I’ve got the Joy edition)
Post: RE: Reworking Motives (I’ve got the Joy edition)

I've updated the OP of this post to reflect some feedback !! The main changes are as follows: 1. Starving is now called Malnutrition. 2. Eating/drinking at low needs now has a clear benefit, reducin...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 18 11,124 11-12-2020, 10:02 AM
    Thread: Please, let's set a population limit for the servers
Post: RE: Please, let's set a population limit for the s...

I'd be against player cap personally, even though I loathe anything above 70 because my prehistoric set-up shits the bed, but the thing is I have that choice not to play and go on overflow instead. ...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 32 13,630 11-09-2020, 08:08 AM
    Thread: Reworking Motives (I’ve got the Joy edition)
Post: RE: Reworking Motives (I’ve got the Joy edition)

Mordent Wrote: (11-05-2020, 01:59 PM) -- I massively disagree with motives that once past a certain threshold require more extreme (medical) fixes. I'm fine with certain treatments being able to "jum...
Sundance Ideas & Suggestions 18 11,124 11-05-2020, 03:08 PM