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    Thread: Steins;Gate Cosplay
Post: RE: Steins;Gate Cosplay

AwkwardDryad Wrote: (07-12-2020, 09:28 AM) -- Comrade f191 Wrote: (07-12-2020, 04:07 AM) -- Mouse Wrote: (07-12-2020, 03:49 AM) -- Carbadox Wrote: (07-12-2020, 02:55 AM) -- Triacontakai Wrote: (0...
Ryumi General Discussion 21 12,417 07-12-2020, 10:13 AM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Superlagg Wrote: (07-01-2020, 08:43 PM) -- Goddamned fuck those goddamned rails, you did a great job making em goddamned fuck annoying, but they're kinda hard to click on, maybe make the sprite a bit...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 07-02-2020, 07:36 AM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Also, a minor addition... I found out while testing that you can do this. And yes, this al...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 06-12-2020, 01:35 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hi it's been two months of irl things keeping me away from this gosh darn donut. BUT!!!!! I have much to show you all in the way of progress!! ...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 06-12-2020, 01:26 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

It's been a while... but much has happened!!!! PROGRESS REPORT: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Firstly: New railings! [spoiler] ...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 04-27-2020, 11:29 AM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

I return once more with more new walls! This time, reinforced versions! [spoiler] [/spoiler] They are just as colorable as their normal versions, too! [spoiler...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 04-14-2020, 12:49 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Long have I toiled in the spriting dungeon... but at last I am free, and with my freedom comes... new wall sprites!!!! [spoiler] [/spoiler] I wanted some wall...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 04-12-2020, 12:52 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

SO MUCH MAP MANY DONUT BECOME BIGgerrrrr PROGRESS POST as of: April 7, 2020 @ 2:58PM [spoiler] [/spoiler]
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 04-07-2020, 12:19 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Good news, everyone! I have finished the AI Core! [spoiler] [/spoiler] Ingame screenie: [spoiler] [/spoiler] EDIT: Also worth menti...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-30-2020, 07:55 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

I've been starting to fall back into irl obligations, but that isn't gonna stop me from finishing this gosh darn donut! I don't have any fun screenies to share this time around because I have been ...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-30-2020, 01:27 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Engineering is nearly done! I'd say it's about 3/4 now. Lord Singuloth's throne is fully assembled! [spoiler] [/spoiler] It is fully compatible with the engine...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-26-2020, 07:17 AM
    Thread: [Feature] Conspiracy Theorist Trait
Post: RE: [Feature] Conspiracy Theorist Trait

Welp, I know what I will be doing when I join as a radio host. Merge!! Please!!!!
Ryumi Implemented 7 4,908 03-21-2020, 02:52 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Supply is complete! Current progress as of: March 20 @ 12:30PM [spoiler] [/spoiler] And, some ingame scrots of Supply! [spoiler] I am already making plen...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-20-2020, 09:41 AM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

Back with a new, mini-update for a thing I meant to get on since I started making the map! I finally got to it and finished them last night: Railings! [spoiler] [/sp...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-19-2020, 03:14 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

aft2001 Wrote: (03-17-2020, 07:08 PM) -- Looking really good so far! Amazing work! I agree with Leeanei, though - additional maintenance and low-traffic areas would be nice to have. Think Cog2's m...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-17-2020, 11:40 PM
    Thread: [Feature] Sushiiiii
Post: RE: [Feature] Sushiiiii

I helped stress test these and stuffed as many different combinations of absurd ingredients as I could imagine. Deep-fried-human-fried-chocolate-cake-and-one-hot-dog sushi was delicious. M E R G E ...
Ryumi Implemented 4 3,789 03-17-2020, 09:29 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

BEEG update!!! I've finally gotten out of my burnout and got back onto this! I got another week of not as much to do thanks to the quarantine We got Supply (mostly) done! Lighting for most other pla...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 03-17-2020, 06:47 PM
    Thread: [Feature] Kitchen Organization Update
Post: RE: [Feature] Kitchen Organization Update

+1 to ants no longer being a default spawn-in object along with fridge contents! Y E S .
Ryumi Implemented 6 4,388 03-04-2020, 11:00 AM
    Thread: Basketball hoops and crates can spam chatlog hard
Post: Basketball hoops and crates can spam chatlog hard

Opening a crate containing a basketball hoop makes all the other objects in the crate "teeter" on it. With this you can effortlessly spam chat logs. I was able to turn my chat log into this in ju...
Ryumi Bug Reports 0 979 02-22-2020, 10:13 PM
    Thread: [Feature] Adds wall-mounted rechargers
Post: RE: [Feature] Adds wall-mounted rechargers

Ryumi Wrote: (01-22-2020, 07:57 AM) -- Zamujasa Wrote: (01-21-2020, 12:15 PM) -- Wasn't a coder already implementing this patch? It's been here for a while and I'm wondering what happened or if it n...
Ryumi Implemented 9 5,733 02-22-2020, 09:35 PM
    Thread: [Feature] Adds auto-positoning small lights
Post: [Feature] Adds auto-positoning small lights

So, we have those really nice light tube fixtures that automatically stick to walls when spawned! We do not however have them for small lights... until now!! Thi...
Ryumi Implemented 1 1,453 02-21-2020, 11:09 PM
    Thread: [Feature] Stackable Plates :D
Post: RE: [Feature] Stackable Plates :D

Yes yes! Speedmerge!!! I want my fancy plate aesthetics!
Ryumi Implemented 4 2,723 02-19-2020, 12:36 AM
    Thread: [Feature] Go Board :D
Post: RE: [Feature] Go Board :D

Duuuude!!!! I love how the game actually shows on the item sprite itself, that's so cool! And I really like Go, even if I suck at it! Merge merge merge!
Ryumi Patches 7 5,587 02-17-2020, 03:45 PM
    Thread: Donut 3 Mapping Thread
Post: RE: Donut 3 Mapping Thread

WOOHOO 2020 UPDATE LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Here's a pic as of: February 17 @ 1:18PM [spoiler] [/spoiler] We got 2020 stuff! We got... FANCY LIGHTING!!!!!!!!!111!!one!!!!...
Ryumi Mapping 38 24,920 02-17-2020, 02:49 PM
    Thread: Enakai's Mentor Application
Post: RE: Enakai's Mentor Application

Frankly I was already under the impression that you were a mentor already! Great security player, very good attitude and trustworthy! +1 from me.
Ryumi Approved Applications 13 7,083 02-10-2020, 08:02 AM