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Your last wizard load-out - Sundance - 05-25-2013

[Image: gandalf.jpg]
Share your last chosen wizard spells, and how they worked for you. All in the name of fun, especially if you were running a gimmick.
Played as this dude several weeks back, went fairly successful.
Animate Golem
Animate Dead (is it called that? The one with the skele's)
Did a God of the Sea gimmick, snuck into botany with glasses and made a fuck-ton of water golems, then teleported to ai and beat him to death with oxygen tank with empower. Continued to hide and make water golems, then I dragged them into the hallway and proceeded to murder everyone and skeletise them.
Forgot what happened mid-round, but I hid when there was rise in sec-force then I got on the shuttle 1 minute remaining and proceeded to stun, get stunned then teleport back out and back in as I had quite a few of them left.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - bubs - 05-26-2013

my fists


Re: Your last wizard load-out - Conor12 - 05-26-2013

My last wizard load out had:
Shocking Grasp
Clown's Revenge
Summon Golem

Conor The Magical killed five captains and the Head of Security. And got wrecked by a chaplain with a taser gun.

Then got destroyed after trying to enter a game of DnD. Those dorks sure don't like interruptions.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Xanatov Valerius - 05-26-2013

My first (and only, so far) Wizard load-out was:

Enchantment: Soulguard
Shocking Grasp
Clown's Revenge.

I did okay, but a tendency towards vaporizing people got me killed semi-quickly by Irene Fisher and a bunch of others. Not before I cluwned and vaporized a fair number of people, though! It was pretty fun.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Admiral jimbob - 05-26-2013

Soulguard - because I am a scrub. I don't know which wins out between it being a waste of a spell slot (for scrubs) or an overpowered get-out-of-jail free card (for scrubs). A shameful bear. It's a crutch I'll stop relying on soon, I promise.

Clown's Revenge - I can't not take it. Maybe I shouldn't, but nothing in this game gives me as much pleasure as lagging my way over to the Captain, dodging his laser shots, hammering the cluwne button and praying fervently until I hear that glorious honking.

Blink - combined with phase shift, Soulguard and an open teleport scroll window, I am an agile, uncatchable menace. I've thought about swapping it out for teleport, but the limited use of teleport intimidates me - alternately blinking and phase shifting means that I simply can't be caught in 90% of situations. I don't like finite resources.

Shocking Grasp - for borgs, kill targets and particularly dangerous opponents whose wrath would be hilarious and terrible if I dared simply cluwne them.

It's a pretty basic setup, but I do enjoy it. It gives me the flexibility to be agile and escape pursuit, the firepower to disable two or three opponents at a time, lets me entertain/torment the crew without simply being a murder machine, and there's nothing like fireball or animate dead that marks me out as a massively aggressive threat and incites Assistant mob frenzy.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - VictorMAngoStein - 05-27-2013

I have an idea for a no-frils layout. Can you order more than one staff of cthulhu?

Re: Your last wizard load-out - UrsulaMejor - 05-27-2013

Enchantment: Soulguard
Spell: Blind
Spell: Knock
Spell: Fireball

A basic setup. Really powerful in any situation.

Borg? Blind, knock, empty hand. Dead.
Human? Blind. Fireball. Magic missile. Dead.
Crowd? Blind. Fireball. Magic missile. Phase shift. Repeat until toasty.
Really need that corpse gibbed? One more Fireball will do it.

If I weren't worried about dying to my own fireballs, I'd replace Enchantment: Soulguard with Clown's Revenge, since it's a great instant-speed disarm+stun+fun spell.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Captain_Bravo - 05-27-2013

I really wish you could take multiple copies of a spell to get multiple uses/cooldowns of it. While I know some people would just cheese the hell out of fireball or whatever, it would make my life goal of cluwning the entire station just a bit easier.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - UrsulaMejor - 05-27-2013

Captain_Bravo Wrote:I really wish you could take multiple copies of a spell to get multiple uses/cooldowns of it. While I know some people would just cheese the hell out of fireball or whatever, it would make my life goal of cluwning the entire station just a bit easier.
Spell: Scribe Scroll
Writes a 1-time use scroll of another spell you have. Has a long cooldown (60-100s), uses the other spell you are writing the scroll of (thus activating its cooldown, i.e., NOT a spell to use it the middle of combat for an extra cast) and the scrolls don't stack on top of each other.

Spend the first few minutes scribing scrolls of Clown's Revenge, so you have roughly 8 to use if you fill your remaining backpack/pocket slots wit them.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - UrsulaMejor - 05-27-2013

The scrolls, like the teleport scroll, would be useable by anyone wearing robes. Maybe you could do a scroll-selling gimmick where you sell off robes and scrolls to the crew?

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Captain_Bravo - 05-27-2013

That is so good, I am going to steal your post and stick it in the ideas forum right now!

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Dachshundofdoom - 05-27-2013

Cluwne's Revenge: Because I was an admin-spawned wizard assisting a team of syndicate operatives and this would be the easiest way to get the disk, and also because cluwnes are hilarious. I don't think I've ever NOT taken this spell.

Ice Beam: Because I needed crowd control and last time I was a wizard fireball was my downfall.

Teleport: Because it's better than Soulguard about 80% of the time.

Warp: Because I was under the impression that Blind was a point-blank spell.

This actually worked really damn well. I couldn't KILL anyone but for the situation at hand I didn't have to, the syndicates could handle that. Nobody could get close enough to touch me and I only had to teleport away once or twice before Sec finally got overwhelmed by the chaos and all the tasers were gone. From there getting the disk wasn't too hard, I just had to dance through the captain's laser fire and cluwne him.

Then I handed the disk off to a Syndicate who had already demonstrated that he had no idea what he was doing and he flew off the Z-level like an idiot despite being told where the damn satellite was, ending the round. Should've done it myself, I knew better after listening to him talk on their channel all round. frown

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Darkchis - 05-27-2013

Blind: Because it's fucking great.

Empower: 420 batoning all day.

Animate Dead: Skeletons are fucking great.

And I think the last one was teleport? or maybe summon golem, idk.

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Weavel - 05-27-2013

anyone who uses fireball + blind + skeletons is an ultrascrub

make golems everyday 420

Re: Your last wizard load-out - Furbeh - 05-28-2013

Soulguard, because I am a scrub
Cthulhu Staff, because I need to corrupt OR Blind, because it is a nice stun.
Knock, because I like being a lazer gun armed wizard
Pandemonium, because meteors flying from your body is FUN.