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Link the motives system and antags - Printable Version

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Link the motives system and antags - Maegor - 11-11-2017

This is mostly for the RP server

Currently, antags such as vampires and changelings still have the normal needs, which doesn't make a lot of sense. There is also a problem that many antags, especially changelings that end up not doing anything the entire round, so I think these changes would help mitigate the problem:
  • Add a need "sustenance"  to changelings and a "thirst" for vampires
  • Unlike the normal needs, you do not die when they reach zero, instead you become severely weakened, suffering effects like an addiction (without the vomiting though), but their feeding abilities become much quicker, at the cost of them making a really loud noise, revealing that there is a vampire or changeling in the station.
  • This way they may have a reason to keep at l east one of the diner residents alive, for emergencies 
  • Remove bladder and sleep from both, as they don't make much sense, especially on the vampire.

RE: Link the motives system and antags - Lady Birb - 11-11-2017

I think I made a post like this in questionable ideas a while back. Something like Vampires only have thirst and changelings only have hunger and they both deplete extremely slowly, but vampires can only restore thirst using blood and changelings can only restore hunger by absorbing someone.

RE: Link the motives system and antags - Frank_Stein - 11-11-2017

Vamps should piss blood