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Share Your Screen Setup - Printable Version

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Share Your Screen Setup - Mordent - 11-06-2017

Following on from the widescreen poll thing, I'd be interested in knowing what the game looks like for you. Feel free to respond below with a screenshot, ideally including the entirety of the BYOND window and an indication of any stuff above/below it (feel free to put a black-bar over it if you're not comfortable with us knowing that you have Internet Explorer on your task bar).

Make sure to include the following information: your resolution, what icon size you use (32, 56, 64, stretch).

It should go without saying that you should not be sharing screenshots of ongoing rounds, please wait until the round is over before sharing.

Because this is going to be screenshot heavy, please spoiler-tag any images. Feel free to use something like to host the screenshots.

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - New525 - 11-06-2017

1920x1080 Stretch
I dont know the spoiler tag forgive me
[Image: nC3kJyr.png]

Edited by Mordent: Spoiler'd

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - Grek - 11-06-2017

What I usually use (1680x1050p, stretch to fit, 12pt font in chat.)
[Image: 9q8cfuV.png]

What it would look like if I was on icon size 64:
[Image: LecivTR.png]

(I like having chat be very big.)

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - Mordent - 11-06-2017

I use two different machines to play.

One is 1920x1080, which I run with an icon size of 64. Everything fits just about perfectly, but I find that the chat-panel is ridiculously wide.
[Image: 117y4Ae.png]

The other is 2560x1440, which I also run with an icon size of 64. There's plenty of unused real-estate around my play area. Screenshot to come tonight.

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - fosstar - 11-06-2017

My linux setup with ss13.

[Image: ypMOjpb.png]

Mordent EDIT: What's your resolution/icon size?
Fosedit: Stretch to fit

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - Avack - 11-06-2017

[Image: cKvtXo0.png]

1680x1050. Stretch-to-fit.
64x64 cuts off just a little bit of the top and bottom of the screen which makes a couple of buttons (resist, rest/stand) difficult to press, and 56x56 is too small for me to see very well and leaves a lot of black space.

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - Ed Venture - 11-06-2017

1360X768 Stretch to Fit
[Image: YzsIZcQ.png]

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - Vitatroll - 11-06-2017

Like Ed, 1366x768 STF.





I'm getting weird breaks and extra image tags that break my post, so links ye get.

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - ZeWaka - 11-06-2017

Normal 1980x1080
Stretch to fit, but there's no difference between it and 64x64...
(Yes, if you have the same resolution as me, you might be thinking to yourself. "But no, there IS a difference! A FEW pixels get stretched to the size of TWO pixels!!" Now, you might think you are correct, but you ARE NOT. I've specially adjusted my game to chat ratio to remove that dastardly gross thing. The reason I don't play on 64x64 is because it breaks pods.)

[Image: KyI3y3D.png]

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - ChrisOniell69 - 11-07-2017

1920x1080 stretch, the chat moved over ever so slightly so I can enjoy the black bars.

[Image: LEVtT5w.jpg]

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - The Grim Sleeper - 11-11-2017

I'm very surprised that wide-screen monitor players don't use that extra space for extra windows.
I usually have a slim strip of notepad open, to take notes or so I can quickly Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V some useful things in chat.
PDA-window is also there.
And when I tele-nerd, I keep Mysha's exelent telescience utility there, so that I can calibrate it with all windows side-by-side.

I don't have a picture atm. I will upload one later.

RE: Share Your Screen Setup - Vitatroll - 11-11-2017

I rarely need more than add-note. If I need to look up something I just ctrl+f the chatbar. Not that I do anything but get drunk and die these days.