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Pocket Satchels - Printable Version

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Pocket Satchels - Frank_Stein - 11-05-2017

Another storage option for people who want to free up their back slots.

Pocket satchels would be belt like items, wearable on the pocket slots. Each satchel has three spaces of storage, for six total if you have one in each slot. Holds small to medium sized objects

RE: Pocket Satchels - Lady Birb - 11-05-2017

I am pretty sure there is some weird coding reason why all containers have exactly seven slots but I guess if the coders can do it than go for it.

RE: Pocket Satchels - Nnystyxx - 11-05-2017

(11-05-2017, 12:32 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: I am pretty sure there is some weird coding reason why all containers have exactly seven slots but I guess if the coders can do it than go for it.

Afaik don't the tables you can build from Space IKEA have more than 7 slots of storage in them? I could be lying I forget

RE: Pocket Satchels - The Grim Sleeper - 11-07-2017

(11-05-2017, 12:32 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: I am pretty sure there is some weird coding reason why all containers have exactly seven slots but I guess if the coders can do it than go for it.
The limiting factor is in /datum/hud/ which defines the hud elements for most boxes.
It is used by boxes, backpacks, some types of pill bottles.
Yet wall-mounted lockers have 16 slots and borgs have an entirely different hud that scrolls.
So it should be possible to make a just make a fresh hud element that has only 4 blocks (3 slots + a close box).
But yeah, hassle.

RE: Pocket Satchels - Vitatroll - 11-07-2017

Somewhat balanced by game mechanics. Pockets are for instant access. You'd be trading in that instant access for more slots, which is something I'd actually avoid most of the time. Not to mention drop leg pouches making you look like a total tacnerd.

RE: Pocket Satchels - Faceplant - 11-07-2017

If people want more inventory spots, why not add pockets to coats? Labcoats, trench coats, safety vests, chef's aprons, ect. Some coats with worse stats could get pockets to add incentive for people to wear them.