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Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Printable Version

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Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - UmbraDrake - 08-29-2017

I've wondered how many people do this for their favourite/best/just generally being an ass job. I do it for my medical doctor;

Loadout for Medical Doctor;
Medical Toolbelt
ProDoc + upgrade
Paramedic suit (seek armour when you can)
For the toolbelt;
1 Hypo Salyclic Acid
1 Hypo Ephinephrine
1 Hypo Anti Rad (has come in useful in the past)
1 Hypo Saline-Glucose (to be used with Ephinephrine, especially in cases of bleeding)
Backpack contains;
4 Medkits;
Crowbar (always carry this, you'll need it at some point)
Spare slot (sometimes a box with stuff in, like syringes/bottles or extra meds from Science e.g. Synthflesh or some wonder pill e.g. Dual-Cryo)
Latex Gloves
Gas Mask or Breath Mask, either works (beware the tint of prodoc and gas mask though)
Emergency Oxy in pockets
PDA, NOT with ID in it, this gets either destroyed or stolen.

Now, this can change at times, depending on situation, but its a go-to one, so I know where everything is.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Vitatroll - 08-29-2017

I used to. Now my kit is standard across every job; chocolate, booze, and the removal of my jumpsuit. Since babayetu's excellent skin pocket trait idea fell short, I occasionally slap on a wrasslethong so I can wear an id and have pockets. Not as fun though.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - NateTheSquid - 08-29-2017

i always have a fire extinguisher but other than that its just whatever i find.

often as MD (which isnt often at all) i get the tranq, spare mutadone darts, doctors bag emptied into medical belt, hypo of charcoal and spare beaker of charcoal

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Technature - 08-29-2017

If it's not nailed down and it's useful.

Though any job with maintenance I tend to try to find an unclaimed Toolbox and a Multitool.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Triacontakai - 08-30-2017

If I purposely choose MD I make some SR + Cryoxadone + Cryostylane pills for healing people at incredibly hihg speed. To aid that I get a teporone hypo so that people aren't freezing cold when they're done healing. I also take some mannitol pills and a few brute/burn patches in case they have massive amounts of brute/burn (so that SR doesn't gib) and incase they have brain damage. Last but not least, also filgratism incase they have lost loads of blood.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Winklabom - 08-30-2017

I mostly play chaplain these days so:

Magic sandals (for magic and slip resistance)
Bible (to heal people/inflict brain damage upon people)
Fully loaded tool belt
Fire extinguisher
Gas mask + full pocket oxygen tank
My randomly generated hat

Most of these things can be very helpful in most situations. 
Chaplains are basically pious staff assistants with no maintenance access.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Superlagg - 08-30-2017

I have a preferred counter-robusting loadout!

I start Medic.
Put ID in PDA. If it gets blown up, fuck it, I'll just wait for someone to be reclaimed.
Perma-open PDA, set to Reagent Scan, and prep the Telesleeper.
Wear upgraded Pro-Docs. This and the PDA makes Medscanners unnecessary and frees up a pocket.
Wear Belt and Paramedic Suit.
Get Large Beaker and a couple Cryox Beakers. Use to make 100u of Cryox-mix.
Clean IV, fill with coffee, mainline it.
Drink Happy Elf, fill bottle with Cryox-mix, put on belt.
Get Pro-Puffs. Find at least one decent flavor, preferring Omni or E-MSG. Smoke!
Get backup pack of smokes and a matchbook. Unlit, broken, and burned out matches still light smokes!
Snag Boxing Gloves, quaff Gym's analgesic pill if it's there, saving mine for later.
Get Donk Pocket box. Cook two with smoke heat, eat em, bag the box and store the pack of smokes and matchbook in there.
Bat. Extinguisher.
Don't worry about internals or spaceproofing, the Cryox-mix will take care of it.
Don't worry about slipping, the loads of stims will usually counter it.
Don't worry about medkits, the Cryo-mix will insta-heal anyone whose heart hasn't stopped.

Oh, and Slow Metabolism. The benefits from having your drugs last for-friggin-ever typically outweigh the risks of having poisons last for-friggin-ever.

For instance: Ling sting neurotoxing will last twice as long and deliver twice as much total damage. But, you're either dead in the first few seconds or someone saves and calomels you.

Makes you super-susceptible to tranq darts, though!

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Vitatroll - 08-30-2017

Less bored now. Edited other stuff out

Things I still do:

- Shades.
- Lighter.
- Doobie.
- A bee pill bottle.
- The Akashic records.
- The Bob Marley records.

- Chocolate, smokes, buffness, salicylic acid, alcohol.
- Pool shades.
- No jumpsuit.
- Usually no backpack.

Medical and Sec are pretty much the only sectors where setups aren't just logical progressions, honestly.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - NesMettaur - 08-30-2017

Zippo lighter+Pro Puffs in my pockets. This is for all jobs.

I love the smoker trait, no Detective or Janitor should start a round without it.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - babayetu83 - 08-30-2017

no, meta stuff like this just bores me out of my gourd

it's more fun to slap together something on the spot

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - HotCoffeeMug - 08-30-2017

nah i just take what i see and be on my way to do some stuff.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Superlagg - 08-30-2017

I don't do this so much to gain an edge over other players, as I do it to keep myself (and others) from dying so easily. Dying sucks! Floating around as a ghost for half an hour isn't exactly my idea of a good time. But getting my butt kicked is, and anything that'll help my butt take more abuse before it's spent is great by me.

That, and being more challenging for superpowered omnitraitors to take down is just more interesting for everyone involved. Nobody likes it when one side steamrolls the other, so I aim to be, at the very least, an entertaining murder victim.

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - NateTheSquid - 08-30-2017

i've said it before and i'll say it again, people who turn off PDA messaging or keep their ID away from their PDA are paranoid losers! go superlagg

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Maegor - 08-30-2017

I use
1 Hypo Pentetic acid
1 Hypo Perfluorodecalin
1 Hypo Saline-Glucose
1 Hypo Mannitol
1 Hypo Teporone (For cryo patients and cold)

RE: Anyone else use a set loadout they've made for a job? - Cyfarfod - 08-30-2017

Screwdriver, multitool, crowbar. Literally anything else seems like icing.