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Minor Phaser bolts go straight through martian walls - Printable Version

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Phaser bolts go straight through martian walls - Musketman12 - 08-11-2017

If you shoot at the martian ship the bolts go right through it.

RE: Phaser bolts go straight through martian walls - atamusvaleo - 08-15-2017

Martian technology defies logic.

RE: Phaser bolts go straight through martian walls - Frank_Stein - 08-16-2017

Inferior martian craftsmanship

RE: Phaser bolts go straight through martian walls - Superlagg - 08-16-2017

Martians sure like killing things. Wouldn't want walls to get in the way of their violent ways, no sir.

RE: Phaser bolts go straight through martian walls - atamusvaleo - 08-16-2017

Now I'm imagining martian war ships where it's just a bunch of martians standing inside and firing lasers willy nilly through the walls and into space at their enemies.