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MooK's Sprites "R" Us - Printable Version

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MooK's Sprites "R" Us - MooK - 09-12-2012

I do not have the old copy that goes with each sprite, and all of the neat features I had imagined for them, but here's the entirety of the sprites I've created:

[Image: ss13-ATM-cracker.gif]
Cracking hardware for ATMs

[Image: ss13-m1887.gif] [Image: ss13-m1887-2.gif]
m1887 Terminator Shotgun

[Image: ss13-cyanide-used.gif] [Image: ss13-cyanide.gif]

[Image: ss13-kill-switch.gif]

[Image: ss13-deto-trick.png]
Deto Trick

[Image: ss13-syndilighter.gif]
Syndicate Lighter

[Image: ss13-lockpick.gif]

[Image: ss13-silenced-ruger.png]
Silenced Ruger

[Image: ss13-smp-mod.png]

[Image: ss13-tranq-dart.png] [Image: ss13-tranq-gun.png]

[Image: ss13-electrical-knife.gif]
Electrical Knife

[Image: ss13-stripped-wire.gif]
Stripped Wire

[Image: ss13-stun-gloves-insulated.gif] [Image: ss13-stun-gloves-overlay.gif]
Stun Gloves

[Image: ss13-utility-belt.gif]
Oxygen Tank Utility Belt Combo

[Image: ss13-electrician-pda-a.gif] [Image: ss13-electrician-pda-b.gif]
Electrician PDA

[Image: ss13-rabbi-pda.gif] [Image: ss13-rabbi-pda.png]
Rabbi PDA

[Image: ss13-BFG9000.gif]

[Image: ss13-flare-gun.gif]
Flare gun

[Image: ss13-sonar-off.gif] [Image: ss13-sonar-on.gif]

[Image: ss13-sawn-off.gif]
Sawn-Off Shotgun

[Image: ss13-prox-igniter.gif]
Proximity Igniter (REQUEST)

[Image: ss13-grenade-launcher.png]
Grenade Launcher

[Image: ss13-mace.gif]

[Image: ss13-pepper-spray.gif]
Pepper Spray

[Image: ss13-cosmo-biostick-outline.gif] [Image: ss13-cosmo-biostick.gif] [Image: ss13-cosmo-blaster-carbine.gif] [Image: ss13-cosmo-blaster.gif]
Alien Weapons

[Image: ss13-fenugreek.png]
Fenugreek / Methi

[Image: ss13-dum-aloo.gif]
Dum Aloo

[Image: ss13-paneer.png]

[Image: ss13-palak-paneer.png]
Palak Paneer

[Image: ss13-saag-aloo.png]
Saag Aloo

[Image: ss13-vindaloo.png]

[Image: ss13-spice.gif] [Image: ss13-water.gif]
Spice & Water for use in cooking (NOT MY SPRITES)

[Image: ss13-gauntlets-necromancer.png]
Necromancer Gauntlets

[Image: ss13-tome-of-power.png]
Tome of Power

[Image: ss13-hoverboard.png]

[Image: ss13-mr-fusion-broken.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-fusion-error.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-fusion-off.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-fusion-on.gif]
Mr. Fusion

[Image: ss13-mr-fusion-portable.gif]
Portable Mr. Fusion

[Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-cl.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-clb.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-error.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-mo.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-mon.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-off.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-on.gif] [Image: ss13-mr-medium-fusion-open.gif]
Not-so Portable Mr. Fusion

[Image: m2019-empty.png] [Image: m2019.png]
m2019 Blaster

[Image: m2019-cartridge-0.png] [Image: m2019-cartridge-1.png] [Image: m2019-cartridge-2.png] [Image: m2019-cartridge-3.png] [Image: m2019-cartridge-4.png] [Image: m2019-cartridge-5.png] [Image: m2019-cartridge.png]
m2019 Cartridges

[Image: ss13-security-mk.png]
Donut Security Concept (Not a sprite, I know.) Letters meant something at some point.

Re: MooK's Sprites "R" Us - bubs - 09-16-2012

MooK Wrote:[Image: ss13-m1887.gif] [Image: ss13-m1887-2.gif]
m1887 Terminator Shotgun

[Image: m2019-empty.png] [Image: m2019.png]
m2019 Blaster

These kick ass. Not much practical use, maybe the bartender or someone should be able to order a "Terminator Kit" that comes with the shotgun and a leather jacket.