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teach me how to map please - Printable Version

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teach me how to map please - fosstar - 06-25-2017

thank you

RE: teach me how to map please - Gannets - 06-26-2017

I dunno if I can do that, but i do have some helpful tips.

First: Open up a finished map, so you can see how they're put together.

Second: Turn off the area layer, so you can actually get at the objects and turfs.

[Image: dlnmd]

Third: Change your click behavior, because you almost always want to be adding a thing!

[Image: udjxs]   [Image: alvmv]

Now you can muss around with an already established map and get a feel for how the editor works, with lots of existing material to reference.

RE: teach me how to map please - Haine - 06-26-2017

From Gannets' second picture there, you can also select "nudge as pixels" which will supposedly make it so the Nudge commands will use pixel_x/pixel_y instead of step_x/step_y (using the latter breaks movement a bit and is bad) but I've found that a bit hit-or-miss at times.

RE: teach me how to map please - fosstar - 06-26-2017

Thank you

RE: teach me how to map please - Sundance - 07-08-2017

Was going to open another thread, but I feel this general thread would be good as a Q&A type thing.

I'm just testing a very simple 10x10 simulated room. I'm essentially doing the scrub testing: Checking if the room is powered, if the supernorn walls auto change, if the doors are working with proper ID, if the spawn is working, etc.

How do you get a map to compile and run? Let's forget all the rookie mistakes i'm making with my current testroom, let's say I just booted up cogmap2.dmm from dream-maker and I hit run. It seems to autocompile but it's also in "safe mode" which I have to hit yes to allow it to read scripts. Once it does that however, a new window pops up which is the game window (It will say the RND "Moon colony 51" or w/e) , and then immediately disconnect.

I have a feeling it's down to the fact that I am not running it as an admin. Something something change a .txt file, I remember reading it on reddit, but my mind fails me. I am currently using the most recent fork which was done by Haine a month ago as a fix for byond 511.

RE: teach me how to map please - Gannets - 07-08-2017

I've never had much luck running from DM. Compile in there with ctrl+k then host yr compiled build with Dream Daemon to avoid script rubbish!

RE: teach me how to map please - ZeWaka - 07-08-2017

Run with Dream Daemon, and make sure it's set to trusted mode not safe mode.

RE: teach me how to map please - Frank_Stein - 04-14-2018

Is there a good guide for working with Dream maker? I had a map plan I was working on, and I think I'm ready to actually start trying to build it, but don't have a good idea how to use the program.

RE: teach me how to map please - Gannets - 04-14-2018

Not that I know of? Other than what's in this thread.

Learning to map isn't too difficult, you mostly want to be creating a new map file, then painting your turfs from the object panel to the left.

RE: teach me how to map please - warcrimes - 04-15-2018

mapping is, in general, more intuitive than playing

RE: teach me how to map please - Frank_Stein - 04-18-2018

(04-14-2018, 11:53 PM)Gannets Wrote: Not that I know of? Other than what's in this thread.

Learning to map isn't too difficult, you mostly want to be creating a new map file, then painting your turfs from the object panel to the left.

You know, I don't know what it was, but after redownloading the codebase and trying again I stopped running into the issues I was having before and was able to get it where I can mess with the map

RE: teach me how to map please - warcrimes - 12-14-2018


RE: teach me how to map please - Erev - 12-14-2018

When working on Butterfly I got hung up on wiring and piping. Just place them first?