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Traitor Option (System for coordinating with other traitors) - Printable Version

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Traitor Option (System for coordinating with other traitors) - Cyfarfod - 06-23-2017

A few people including myself were riffing about how it'd be interesting if traitors knew each others identities.  I thought this'd be a cool way.

What if traitor PDAs had a program that'd ping anyone else with that program, using a user-defined handle?  Traitors could then set up a dialogue to coordinate, without necessarily having to immediately let their co-traitors know exactly who they are.    Obviously there'd be some way to detect and decode this using packet magic, but I have no magic so I dunno how.

I think this is a cool way to do it because- it's an OPT-IN thing.  YOU make the choice to ping the others; if they want to discern your real ID and screw you over... well... you opened yourself up to it.  BECAUSE it is opt in, it won't necessarily come into play every traitor round, so it'll increase variety slightly.

Tear it apart, people!