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Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - Printable Version

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Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - Greentryst - 04-28-2013

The new rarity of erebite ore has made at least two recipes unattainable in average play.

Mining's Concussive Gauntlets, and the Erebite Power Cell, both require 5 erebite. This number is unchanged from when erebite was more plentiful. The gauntlets are the more severe loss, as without them Mining is limited to the slower and less powerful Laser Drill.

For the gauntlets, my suggestion is to change the erebite requirement to a different, but still uncommon, ore. For the power cell, I suggest reducing its erebite requirement to 1, or removing it altogether.

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - TheRedScare - 04-29-2013

Its not really a bug.

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - Cogwerks - 04-29-2013

He was told to post this here yo.
I'll look into the spawn rates of erebite later today.

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - TheRedScare - 04-29-2013

Really? I don't find it hard to find erebite. I normally get 6-15 pieces. Not alot but then again I may be getting lucky.

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - Greentryst - 04-29-2013

TheRedScare, that's the amount I tended to find before the change. Since then, during three test shifts, the other miners and I found a collected 0-1 erebite per shift.

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - TheRedScare - 04-29-2013

I found 5 pieces last night, that may just be me getting lucky. Though if this is an issue then yeah it could do with a fix.

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - Greentryst - 04-29-2013

I just noticed that my report is partially a duplicate. Rhydic also described the erebite problem in his overall mining bug report. Sorry I overlooked that! On the plus side, this report still has some use: verifying Rhydic's experiences with erebite, covering both affected recipes, and suggesting fixes.

(also Rhydic has a really good point about his fourth issue)

Re: Erebite scarcity has broken some recipes - Cogwerks - 04-30-2013

I raised the gem spawn chances a bit and also made most of the mining tools do more damage on attacks, with the powerhammer doing the most in its powered state. I'll reduce the erebite cost for erebite recipes too.