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mutriant plant formula screws up plant growth - Printable Version

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mutriant plant formula screws up plant growth - Rhydic - 04-27-2013

yeah so i guess mutriant plant formula even at only 10 units causes incredibly long growth times for some odd reason, plants with the default 0/0 maturation/production times take 2 or 3 times as long with mutriant even with entire bottles of groboost

not only do they seem to take an eternity to get through growth stages but i've actually observed them going backwards through growth stages and going from the harvest stage all the way back to the planted stage as if they'd been harvested so this is super duper weird

on an entirely unrelated note apparently when you grab someone and smash them against an electrified grille it shocks you and not the person being smashed fix this so i can electrocute people thanks much

Re: mutriant plant formula screws up plant growth - CaptainBravo - 04-27-2013

Rhydic Wrote:on an entirely unrelated note apparently when you grab someone and smash them against an electrified grille it shocks you and not the person being smashed fix this so i can electrocute people thanks much

this is because slamming someone into something is actually just hitting that object with the "grab" as though it were an object in your hand(because it is). so it causes the same effect you'd get from hitting the grille with any object besides a shard or whatever.