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Minor Wave Gun Paralysis Broken - Printable Version

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Wave Gun Paralysis Broken - ferriswheel1 - 03-02-2017

The wave gun is a neat addition to sec, and the other two firing modes seem to be working fine. Paralysis-mode, however, doesn't seem to do anything on hit. I'm not quite sure what paralysis is supposed to do, but I'm pretty sure "nothing" is not it. 

To replicate: 

Shoot someone with a wave-gun set to "paralysis"

RE: Wave Gun Paralysis Broken - misto - 03-02-2017

i coulda swore i shot someone with it on paralysis and it got em down, just a few weeks ago. maybe it drained stamina but this went unnoticed?

RE: Wave Gun Paralysis Broken - ZeWaka - 12-05-2017

the mode drains stamina