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Bug Making Smoke Powder Useless - Printable Version

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Bug Making Smoke Powder Useless - Embolism - 04-20-2013

After the update that made Smoke Powder consume smoked chemicals, the amount of chemicals that goes into the blood from chemical smoke was also changed to scale poorly with the amount of chemicals smoked: 5 units = 2.6 units in smoke, 20 units = 5.6 units in smoke, and 35 units = 11.6 units in smoke. Before this update chemical smoke gives about 20 units of chemicals into the blood regardless of the amount of chemicals smoked. This applies to both stabilised and non-stabilised smoke.

IMO with both of these together smoke chemistry is overnerfed, particularly timer-igniter-beaker assemblies as now you have to maximise both chemical and smoke concentration, yet even if you maximise chemical concentration the amount of chemicals smoked is very little compared to before, plus you get considerably less smoke.

I asked coders about this and it is not an intended change, although they have been thinking about making chemical smoke scale anyway: but even so, the scaling needs to be greatly increased, because as it is smoke chemistry is completely useless.

Re: Bug Making Smoke Powder Useless - Weavel - 04-25-2013

I got something to contribute to this as a bug as well.

When you heat a beaker in any container (bag, box, even your own hand I think), the smoke comes out with the colour of the chemicals, but it doesn't actually have a name or any reagents in it. It's basically entirely broken unless you're heating beakers that are on the floor or tossing them after the first cloud.

Re: Bug Making Smoke Powder Useless - Cogwerks - 04-25-2013

Embolism Wrote:I asked coders about this and it is not an intended change, although they have been thinking about making chemical smoke scale anyway: but even so, the scaling needs to be greatly increased, because as it is smoke chemistry is completely useless.

I just tripled the rate of scaling, how's it working out now?

Re: Bug Making Smoke Powder Useless - storm1911 - 04-27-2013

Cogwerks Wrote:
Embolism Wrote:I asked coders about this and it is not an intended change, although they have been thinking about making chemical smoke scale anyway: but even so, the scaling needs to be greatly increased, because as it is smoke chemistry is completely useless.

I just tripled the rate of scaling, how's it working out now?

just tested some smoked chemicals and they worked perfectly well,even in my hand actually...
so it seems to be all fixed from what i can see