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spraypaint outside of gang - Printable Version

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spraypaint outside of gang - Xenonia - 12-10-2016

let me use spraypaint grafitti outside of gang mode, for banksy reasons

RE: spraypaint outside of gang - Naximous - 12-10-2016

I don't see why not as long as it's rare or you have to make it yourself.

RE: spraypaint outside of gang - Vitatroll - 12-10-2016

Something else to throw into mystery crates. Those are still probably item-barren.

Maybe add one to the fixed paint machine or something. I don't know.

So long as it's limited I like the idea. I'd like it to be 'Oh hey look! That dudette has spraypaint! (Let's steal it)' instead of 'Ugh, not again. Go be bored somewhere else!'

RE: spraypaint outside of gang - babayetu83 - 12-10-2016

that sounds like fun

RE: spraypaint outside of gang - misto - 12-10-2016

may as well get some use out of it since its in the code mates

RE: spraypaint outside of gang - Hulk Hogan - 12-10-2016

This would be great for assistants to have rival gangs.