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HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - Printable Version

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HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - Dragonouhai3 - 03-30-2013

Usual Character Name: Andy Prevatt
BYOND Username: Dragon of the world
Recommended by (if applicable):
Times Available: monday to friday

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): I want to become the HoS and actually get security working and keep everyone safe, which I can not do as a normal Security Guard, and one day as Captian (I forgot when, and I have not been it in a while) I wanted to get an energy gun, or another one I do not know... but anyway, I went to the armory and tried to get in, but I could not, so I asked a mentor why I could not, and he told me I had to be the HoS to get in there, so I waited so I could ask an Admin how I could be the HoS, and he replied saying I had to apply for it, So I go to the Forum, but then I see that I need 300 words for Security Experience and this, so I wait till today, and I go for it, but I still need to tell a story about how I want to be HoS, and how I need more words in here... Oh god this is really annoying, why not make it 200 or 100, and not 300? answer that for me... wait nevermind, I will ask Cogwerks on gibbed 3 himself. Anywaay... I can not be a Security borg, so I can not do that, and when I am Security, no one actually needs me, so I am always in the bar, getting drunk, then sooner or later playing russian roulette and dieing, which doesn't help later on, and when I am NOT drunk, I am in the security office relaxing, or even dead on a changeling round or syndicate round and having to talk to everyone else, I am really tired of doing this... so can you look deep into your heart and accept my wish of being the HoS.
Security Experience (300 word minimum): I have a lot of Security Experience, a year ago, I always played security, but now I have been experimenting with Chemicals as a Scientist and the Research Director to learn stuff, but now I feel like playing Security now, but I always played as the Head of Security, and I always rocked as the Head of Security, catching Criminals and putting them in jail for about 20 minutes, and then letting them free and changing their criminal record to released, and keeping an eye on them to make sure that they do not cause more trouble on the station to the rest of the crew, and if they did do that, I would put them back in jail for another 20 minutes to let them think about it, if they did it AGAIN!!! I would perma brig them, and then just leave them there, even when the shuttle came, but syndicates? i was not nice to them, I instantly perma briged them, so they could not cause harm, and I also gave them a lethal injection later on, after 30 to 40 minutes I would do that, and then straight jacket them and muzzle them so they could not talk, and then left them in the brig to die, that got the other syndicates after me sooner or later, but I took out 2 and died, but I would get praised by the others for doing so good against the syndicates, and then I would become the chaplain one day and ask the AI if there was a Head of Security, and if there was not one, I would ask the Head of Personnel or the Captian if I could be the Head of Security, If they said no, I would ask if I could be a normal Security Officer then.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):I would say a flaw is that Security can be implanted by spy masters, I believe they shouldn't. Everything else is Ok

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Good, I find it very funny.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): once, I was young then though... so I was a bit crazy and kept on doing stuff that would get me banned.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - UrsulaMejor - 03-30-2013

I've seen you once or twice, but you didn't really stand out as particularly good or bad.

Judging from your application itself, it seems like you're still relatively new and developing as a player, and i think that you're trying to be a HoS for all the wrong reasons.

Play for a little while longer, this is a tentative "No" from me. I'll chime back if I see you more and you stand out as a really cool dude.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - BlackPhoenix - 03-30-2013

Oh, hey, didn't see the repost. I have to agree with the above post, you seem pretty new. You don't seem bad, you just don't seem like you're HoS ready yet. You're on a good path, keep it up.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - atomicthumbs - 03-30-2013

you permabrig people? if I see you do that again you're jobbanned from security

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - BlackPhoenix - 03-31-2013

atomicthumbs Wrote:you permabrig people? if I see you do that again you're jobbanned from security
I definitely missed this segment as I had read that you were talking about an RP server and thought it was mostly an anecdote that wasn't important. That's not okay dude.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - Anticheese - 03-31-2013

That seems pretty terrible.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - Nitrous - 03-31-2013

Yeah don't permabrig people, jeez. Even 5 minutes will get most people to cry out about it. Furthermore, wanting to become HoS because you want more eguns is a pretty terrible reason, too. Your application is shit, and i have only ever seen you ingame like once, as a captain, where i remember you acting a little sketchy, i dont really remember any specifics tho.
A no from me.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 03-31-2013

I can't even read this its just one huge run on sentence, learn to indent and use some grammar too please!!!

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 03-31-2013

I also like that in the middle of your application you complain about the word count then say you are going to complain to the admins on the server

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - Dauntasa - 03-31-2013

Whoa, this is a bad application. "Writing 300 words is hard and I love permabrigging people and I mostly want to be HoS so I can get all the guns."

No, thanks.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - REPOST!! - Darkchis - 03-31-2013

Yeah, no, try again when you learn how to actually be a productive HoS and member of security.