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Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Printable Version

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Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - pizzatiger - 11-11-2016

The Prince of Darkness has vanished and the Infernal Throne sits empty.  A conclave of the Powers and Potentates of Hell will be summoned to Pandemonium to select the next ruler of The Infernal Pit.  Do you have what it takes to claim the throne and rule Hell?

[Image: whowillrulehell.jpg]

As we all know, This year's election has been called the coming of hell on earth by both sides, and to celebrate this i have decided to host of this, Solium Infernum. 
Here're some features to help sell you on the idea-


Solium Infernum is a turn-based strategy game set in the most profound depths of Hell.
[Image: astaroth3colour2web.jpg]Assume the role of an Archfiend and customize your avatar to suit your particular game play strategy.  Choose the brute force way of the infernal warlord or tread in the shadows as a deceitful, backstabbing power broker…..or amass wealth and rare treasures to buy the throne.
[Image: MapSample_04.jpg]Each incarnation of Hell is unique and a pocket plane unto itself. Travel far enough in a certain direction and wind up where you started. Confront your fellow pretenders to the throne in all directions.

Control over 30 Places of Power like The City of Dis, The Wood of the Suicides and The Temple of Lust. Places of Power can provide you with different resources including prestige. Earn the most prestige when the conclave is called and claim the throne.

[Image: AngelicHost.jpg]Each turn a unique event card is drawn by the player currently designated as the Regent. This solemn responsibility passes from player to player each turn. The Regent can keep the card to play at a later date, discard it to avoid its effects or play it if it is to his advantage and watch his fellow Archfiends scramble to respond.
[Image: supplication.jpg]Demand Tribute from your minions on earth and use them to fuel your fiendish rituals and increase your own dark powers.
[Image: scourge.jpg]Everything is for sale in Hell.  Bid on Legions to expand your territorial holdings.
[Image: astarte_web.jpg]Hire lesser fiends, known as Praetors, to lead your legions into battle.
[Image: LesserKey.jpg]Acquire Infernal Artifacts and Unholy Relics to increase your power.
[Image: tactics.jpg]Know your place and observe the protocols of Hell. Declare Vendetta on a rival and wager prestige on how effective you are at making him suffer.  Drive him to Blood Feud, crush his legions and banish him to the Abyss.
[Image: deception_web.jpg]Deception and Lies can be as great a weapon as a legion of fiends. Frame your opponents for vindictive acts of aggression and watch them tear each others throats out.

Simultaneous turns allow you to place your orders and await the heralds and messengers bringing word of the unfolding events in Hell.Play By E-Mail allows up to six players to compete for the Infernal Throne.  AI players can be selected to fill in open slots.  Single player games versus AI opponents are also available.

Doesn't that sound badass? If your still not sold here's a fucking amazing read by Rock-paper shotgun as 6 People wage their own war for hell-

Now if your interested, the game cost 15 bucks but does include a demo to let you try the game before buying. Multiplayer does not work with the demo

Helpful links-

Demo(Download link)-
Manual(How to play PDF)-
How to do EMAIL/File based multiplayer-
Tested Download link from ZeWaka-

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - ZeWaka - 11-11-2016

Seems cool. I would be interested.

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Twoflower - 11-11-2016

I'm interested in playing

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Spy_Guy - 11-11-2016

I'm up for this.

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Wire - 11-11-2016

I am curious as heck

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - pizzatiger - 11-11-2016

Want to join Wire, If you do i have enough for a full game

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Wire - 11-11-2016

Ye I'm in

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - pizzatiger - 11-11-2016

The stage is set, 

Tonight lucifer will vanish and 6 powerful masters of hell will fight to claim his throne. 

Masters of hell-
  • Pizzatiger
  • Wire
  • Urs
  • Twoflower
  • Spy Guy
  • Ze Waka
To get started you will need the Demo link, Manual link, and the Multiplayer link from the main post.

You will also need to find your name in this file and do what the multiplayer link tells you to do with it.

We use this forum and dropbox to transfer the necessary file back and forth. You can also  use the forums  to send secret messages to other players for politicking, Making demands and begging for your life

Ediit- If your having trouble loading your avatar, try following these steps

<TenjouUtena> Try A) Moving it to a root directory
<TenjouUtena> or B) running as admin

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - NateTheSquid - 11-11-2016

This seems neat and I am interested, i will see if I can install/download it

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Joefesok - 11-11-2016

This looks pretty neato. If you host a second round and it works with my connection I'd like to join.

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - pizzatiger - 11-11-2016

Well, then folks, After Extensive testing, I have come to the conclusion that while every single fucking outward clue pointed to only one person needing to own the game to play, it seems that is not the case. So Now everyone willing to join has to pay 15 bucks for it (sorry)

So now I have to reevaluate the tally of people willing to play. If you're still willing to play after this news please post below

Edit- Zewaka has a plan, He will post it below

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - ZeWaka - 11-11-2016

I have located a... version of the game that seems to let any 16-digit serial number work! For some reason though, this special version is incompatible with the regular game! Oh well. Just unzip and follow the instructions in SUPERSECRETREADME.txt inside.


RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - pizzatiger - 11-12-2016

Urs has decided that being the master of all evil was a bit too evil for him and has dropped out of the race.

Make sure to use the link above to download what Waka kindly gave us. Then you  download this dropbox link and find your name. Follow the step in the multiplayer link above and send me the results either on the forum or using IRC. If you're having trouble I will be on IRC to help

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - Spy_Guy - 11-12-2016

Sorry folks. If I gotta put money down or run ShadyFile.exe to be a part of this then I'm out. More effort than I have in me atm. frown

RE: Solium Infernum (2016 Election Simulator) - pizzatiger - 11-12-2016

Okay so i'm down to 3 people so i am once again recruiting some masters of evil! Message below if you want to play!