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HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - Printable Version

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HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - Dragonouhai3 - 03-30-2013

Usual Character Name: Andy Prevatt
BYOND Username: Dragon of the world
Recommended by (if applicable):
Times Available: monday to friday

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): I want to become the HoS and actually get security working and keep everyone safe, which i can't do as a normal Security Guard.

Security Experience (300 word minimum): I have a lot of Security Experience, a year ago, I always played security, but now I've been experimenting with Chemicals as a Scientist to learn stuff, but now I feel like playing Security now, but I always played as HoS.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):I would say a flaw is that Security can be implanted by spy masters, I believe they shouldn't. Everything else is Ok

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Good

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): once, I was young then though... so I was a bit crazy and kept on doing stuff that would get me banned.

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - Dragonouhai3 - 03-30-2013

uhhhhh, I dont need to do 300 words minimum, I would say thats HoS material right there...

Re: HoS Application - Dragonouhai3 - BlackPhoenix - 03-30-2013

Dragonouhai3 Wrote:uhhhhh, I dont need to do 300 words minimum, I would say thats HoS material right there...
Yes you do, no that isn't, try again. Or don't.