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changeling reproduction - Printable Version

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changeling reproduction - babayetu83 - 11-09-2016

an idea i had that came to me in a star trek and pizza induced fever dream  was a high-end and high cost changeling ability that would allow it to sprout another head and attach it to a headless body and allow another player to assume control over the body to assist the ling in the same way they could with a hand spider 

it would take some time for the newly formed head to bud and grow from the changeling's body and if you did it to early you would run the risk of it being extremely weak and take an incredibly long time for the head to adapt to the host body it would be attached to

RE: changeling reproduction - Ultimate Shrek Fan - 11-09-2016

That would be cool as hell

RE: changeling reproduction - HydroFloric - 11-09-2016

So wait you would choose a person in your hivemind like a handspider and it makes a little head spider thing you attach to a headless body?That seems cool but one question is it like a mindslave where they are a normal kinda human and they listen to you. Or would it be like lets say a shadowling thrall from /Tg/ station and stuff where they get some ability's too help them complete their goal of helping the ling?

RE: changeling reproduction - Dr_Bee - 11-09-2016

This brings up the issue of people purposefully getting linged to try to get antag. make it have no control over which person absorbed gets control of the new head and maybe that would deter that somewhat.

RE: changeling reproduction - HydroFloric - 11-09-2016

Well then theres a chance you get a brain dead one because its random

RE: changeling reproduction - Frank_Stein - 11-09-2016

Idea: Reanimated husks. Hivemind player is put inside the husk. They can activate a power that brings them back to life for about 30 seconds with shambling abomination powers, then they explode into gibs and a handspider

RE: changeling reproduction - poland spring - 11-09-2016

Yeah husks should be scarier

RE: changeling reproduction - babayetu83 - 11-09-2016

(11-09-2016, 06:40 PM)Dr_Bee Wrote: This brings up the issue of people purposefully getting linged to try to get antag. make it have no control over which person absorbed gets control of the new head and maybe that would deter that somewhat.

well the idea is that it would only be available once you've gotten a whole ton of dna points ready so you'd end up waiting an awful long time

RE: changeling reproduction - TotusUbertas - 11-10-2016

(11-09-2016, 07:20 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Idea: Reanimated husks. Hivemind player is put inside the husk. They can activate a power that brings them back to life for about 30 seconds with shambling abomination powers, then they explode into gibs and a handspider

Oooh I love that idea, sounds fun, you have 30 seconds or so to create the most mayhem possible, then spluush, though might be nice if the asplode into gibs bit had a minor stun affect on nearby folks, just to give handspider a chance at getting away

RE: changeling reproduction - HydroFloric - 11-10-2016

The spider can hide in the gibs

RE: changeling reproduction - atamusvaleo - 11-10-2016

This thread is not what I expected when I read the title. I don't know if I'm relieved or dissapointed... Nope. Relieved. Definitely relieved.

RE: changeling reproduction - Roomba - 11-12-2016

If the ling specifically pulls people from the hivemind to create a new ling, then it probably won't be a big problem. Ling victims tend to be a lot more common than e.g. mindslaves, and there are very few people who would lie around going 'ANY LINGS AROUND PLEASE EAT ME' in the hopes of maybe becoming a ling near the end of the game.

E: granted, there are totally people who would do that, but chances are they would have otherwise suicided anyway and the ling would have eaten their corpse regardless.

RE: changeling reproduction - misto - 11-12-2016

why would a changeling ever want to make a new ling, lings routinely gobble each other up

RE: changeling reproduction - Roomba - 11-12-2016

I'm guessing the idea isn't to create a full-fledged ling, just someone effectively mindslaved to the original ling with a couple of additional combat options.