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Special dice that you spawn with lose their identifiers upon being rolled. - Printable Version

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Special dice that you spawn with lose their identifiers upon being rolled. - NesMettaur - 10-28-2016

Might actually be a feature, but I'm not sure.

If you spawn with, say, "Hugh Mungus's Aunt's Prize-Winning D20" and roll it, it'll lose all the prefixes and become a plain ol' D20.
D6es have this same problem, and I'm not sure if coins also suffer from this or not.

RE: Special dice that you spawn with lose their identifiers upon being rolled. - Mageziya - 10-28-2016

Magic 8-balls also suffer this fate upon being shaken.

I think its a fundamental problem with the way the game handles the item, so I'm not sure its (easily) fixable.