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Holding stuff in your mouth - Printable Version

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Holding stuff in your mouth - Nnystyxx - 10-09-2016

Allow crewmen to store tiny up to normal-sized items in their mouths with a verb/emote, and remove them similarly. Normal sized objects can be seen when examined, small and tiny objects cannot. Small and tiny objects have a chance for you to swallow them (requiring surgery) if you're somehow hit or jostled, much higher for a tiny one, but it allows you an extra (mostly) invisible smuggling spot. There could also be a voluntary 'swallow' verb so you could emulate cyanide pill-teeth a la spy movies, or hide your contraband if someone checks your mouth (disarm intent on the head?).

Inspired by the mental image of someone holding a flashlight in their mouth while their hands are occupied, and also the idea of assistants smuggling contraband in their horrid faces


RE: Holding stuff in your mouth - Ultimate Shrek Fan - 10-09-2016

If this happens, make speech mumbled and introduce handcuff keys

RE: Holding stuff in your mouth - Arborinus - 10-09-2016

Plenty of good ideas on it here.

Maybe matter eater would let you store even larger items like a chipmunk.

(am I only the idea police anymore?)

RE: Holding stuff in your mouth - Nnystyxx - 10-09-2016

I can't believe I fucking forgot about that thread. How far back was that, Arborinus? Please destroy me for my embarrassing failure.

EDIT: Oh the last post was in June? Could be worse I suppose but ugh

RE: Holding stuff in your mouth - SpaceNaba - 10-09-2016

"I remember a young lad, who would board ships with his cutlass - as you say - clenched in his teeth."


"Topless Harry, we called him."


"I don't know if you've ever picked up and knife and , yknow, with a softboiled egg: Just sliced it with a-"

"I get it!"