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Reduce the circumstances under which fire will burn - Printable Version

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Reduce the circumstances under which fire will burn - rulib - 08-14-2016

Per the laws of science, fire should not be able to burn in space, unless it is a special fire containing a strong oxidizer or self-oxidizing reaction.  Without thermite or ClF3 in play, it should just go out in a vacuum.

Additionally, probably all fire should go out when you get frozen in a giant cartoon ice cube, per the laws of cartoon logic.

These, when taken together, would go a long way towards making many typical breach scenarios (especially welding tanks) less frustrating, and enhance the viability of the Cryostylane + Cryoxadone combo which is currently fucked by the fact that apparently fire does more damage when you are cold for some unknowable reason.

RE: Reduce the circumstances under which fire will burn - misto - 08-14-2016

obviously spacemen are oxygen-rich entities

RE: Reduce the circumstances under which fire will burn - rulib - 08-14-2016

That may be true but it's not very fun to be on fire while freezing to death and suffocating because someone dropped a welding torch.

RE: Reduce the circumstances under which fire will burn - misto - 08-14-2016

yes yes, i understand and was joking. this has been a problem since people catching on fire was implemented