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Genetics stability bugs - Printable Version

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Genetics Stability cannot exceed 100 by any circumstances. - SuperbDingaling - 06-04-2016

Making this at the suggestion of Grayshift.

Extremely easy to reproduce.

You start out at 100 stability, inject yourself with a mutation that grants stability such as blindness or deafness, which both give 20 for reference, then take a mutadone pill. While the disability will be cured, you'll notice that your stability would be at 80 now instead of the expected 100.

Genetics stability bugs - JuX123 - 07-02-2016

At the moment from my testing I don't think any stability modifiers that increase stability whether it be The Robust Genetics Trait, Negative Mutation like Deafness or removing the Mutation via Storage or Mutadone work. This is easy to test just get someone with the Robust Genetics Trait give them -55 worth of powers, in the case I tested it was Hulk, SMES and Super Farts and If it works they should not gurgle but they do, then add either Blindness or Deafness which should stop it once again but it doesn't, then give them Mutadone or store the powers which should once again stop it but it doesn't. I play Genetics a lot and now I know about this it isn't that annoying but a lot of geneticists still run the Robust Genetics trait and that cost a lot.

RE: Genetics stability bugs - SuperbDingaling - 07-02-2016

Robust Genetics does work, it just doesn't show, just think of your real stability as always having a +20 from the screen.

But then there's which I've already documented.

RE: Genetics Stability cannot exceed 100 by any circumstances. - Triacontakai - 07-04-2016

gonna bump this because this is absolutely horrid with reinforced mutagenic field, because your mutations will still bring down your stability, even when they are cured from mutadone, therefore always causing you to eventually gib since the chances of someone actually removed the mutation field mutation is astronomical.

RE: Genetics stability bugs - ISaidNo - 07-08-2016

Huh thought I posted in here earlier. Anyway, stability changes were hard capped to keep the value between 0 and 100 no matter what. I've removed the upper boundary - it'll never go below zero, but going above 100 is now possible. Also, Robust Genetics is an internal calculation and while it doesn't display the +20, it's always factored in.

Low stability is no longer lethal in and of itself, and instead causes mutations to degrade into nastier forms over time, and makes on-use powers have a chance to misfire, the misfire chance getting higher the lower your stability gets.