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Pyramid z-level - Printable Version

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Pyramid z-level - babayetu83 - 06-28-2016

there should be an adventure zone that is just a long winding pyramid. filled with venomous asps, deadly mosquitos, a mummy (or mummies), ankhs and all sorts of treasure

and of course should you disturb the great pharaoh Fartankhamun you will suffer his curse......

RE: Pyramid z-level - poland spring - 06-28-2016

Also you should have to use the whip to get to an area with a cool golden idol you can steal

RE: Pyramid z-level - misto - 06-28-2016

the latter parts of martian gothic (down in the martian tombs), the lucasarts game the dig, the alien ruins in bioforge, and some game versions of rendezvous with rama could offer some visual inspiration