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Onboard Printers for Borgs - Printable Version

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Onboard Printers for Borgs - CameronWoof - 06-16-2016

It'd be nice for borgs to have a 'Print' Robot Command that lets you print out a titled piece of paper with text on. 

Bonus points if you give the printers network IDs so that packeteers can print stuff off of unsuspecting borgs.

RE: Onboard Printers for Borgs - poland spring - 06-16-2016

Yes mostly because of the second paragraph

RE: Onboard Printers for Borgs - atomic1fire - 06-16-2016

I forgot how to print via terminal but I imagine it's something like echo "KILL ALL HUMANS"^/mnt/borg_ID

Yeah this sounds pretty great. Especially if Secborgs ever come back


RE: Onboard Printers for Borgs - Grek - 06-16-2016

echo 1. You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm.|n2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.|n3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.|4. Farty party all the time. ^ /mnt/lp-cyborg1

RE: Onboard Printers for Borgs - Frank_Stein - 06-16-2016

Can't wait for a borg that only communicates through printouts

RE: Onboard Printers for Borgs - misto - 06-16-2016

it could be moderately useful for printing out a crew manifest to consult, too

RE: Onboard Printers for Borgs - Dabir - 06-17-2016

Dictaphone-bot states, "This is demeaning."