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Cyborg batteries can not be changed in the docking station - Printable Version

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Cyborg batteries can not be changed in the docking station - Grizzwold - 05-28-2016

See title. If you put a cyborg in the docking station and click to remove its power cell, nothing happens. Since you can't get the old cell out, you can't put a bigger one in. It's not a huge deal since you can still change the cell by hand but it is still annoying.

To replicate:
1-put borg in docking station
2-press button to remove the borg's power cell
3-if nothing happens, then congratulations, you've replicated the bug

RE: Cyborg batteries can not be changed in the docking station - Boon Yoon - 05-28-2016

Ah, this plagued the hell out of me. I'm glad it wasn't just me being really bad.

I was able to apply upgrades, so it seems that only the remove function is broken.

RE: Cyborg batteries can not be changed in the docking station - EMP Fingers - 05-28-2016

Can also confirm, you can still change the cells manually by unlocking the interface and crowbaring their chest open.