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I Said No - LLJK 2 - 5/24 1:04AM PST - Printable Version

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I Said No - LLJK 2 - 5/24 1:04AM PST - UrsulaMejor - 05-24-2016

Here are the logs pertaining to the complaint. Boldings are for emphasis of important information.

In Game Chat
I Said No
Boon Yoon
Total Players: 13
Fabulous Doctor Racism [145.9] says, "yeah you wiped the crew out 20 minutes in, so original and interesting"
Fabulous Doctor Racism says, "yeah you wiped the crew out 20 minutes in, so original and interesting"
DEAD: Ghost (cursed man) wails, "no fun allowed"
The soda machine beeps, "Cool, refreshing Lime-Aid - it's good for you!"
Fabulous Doctor Racism [145.9] says, "then we wonder why the population's so low =I"
Fabulous Doctor Racism says, "then we wonder why the population's so low =I"
Shitty Bill asks, "The hell're you lookin' at, dingus?"
Father Jack exclaims, "FECK!"
PUKE MASTER [145.9] says, "because its the middle of the night"
PUKE MASTER says, "because its the middle of the night"
Fabulous Doctor Racism [145.9] says, "you're the middle of the night"
Fabulous Doctor Racism says, "you're the middle of the night"
The snack machine beeps, "Twice the calories for half the price!"
PUKE MASTER [145.9] says, "I'm the NIGHT MAN"
Books4u beeps, "Book Club meeting in the Chapel, every Thursday!"
DEAD: Ghost (cursed man) wails, "poo"
Romayne Baker [145.9] says, "There's water in every nook and cranny, the mildew smell will never go away. And vomit everywhere. I... I think I need to lie down for a bit."
Romayne Baker says, "There's water in every nook and cranny, the mildew smell will never go away. And vomit everywhere. I... I think I need to lie down for a bit."
DEAD: The cursed man lets out an ectoplasmic fart!
Romayne Baker [145.9] says, "All the beds are waterlogged."
Romayne Baker says, "All the beds are waterlogged."
DEAD: Ghost (Fabulous Doctor Racism) laments, "how bout i give that smartass a challenge then"
Shitty Bill asks, "Got any crank?"
Jay Wolff [145.9] says, "theres a couch at escape thats dry"
Jay Wolff (as PUKE MASTER) says, "theres a couch at escape thats dry"
DEAD: Ghost (Fabulous Doctor Racism) laments, "lets see him rampage this shit"
DEAD: Ghost (Molly Mirrions) moans, "do it!"
Jay Wolff [145.9] says, "head there"
Jay Wolff (as PUKE MASTER) says, "head there"
DEAD: Ghost (cursed man) laments, "or don't?"
Shitty Bill says, "Man, I sure don't miss bein' a salvager."
¬ø¢ÿ‡¡©³ screams!
€‡lv®d¡r‰ø¦ screams!
°ø¢ÿ‡¡©©l (as Unknown) says, "I'm an abamination"

[01:04:48] <HipBEE> !check

[01:04:51] <Spacebee> LLJK US 2 appears down or lagging out! --
[01:04:56] <HipBEE> rip
[01:05:43] <UrsulaMajor> not sure how that was supposed to make the round more fun
[01:05:51] <Donglord1Actual> also people are trying to sell that Vietnam is our enemy
[01:06:01] <Donglord1Actual> it never wanted to be
[01:06:48] <TheNewTeddy> veitnam is still communist tho
[01:06:50] <TheNewTeddy> and thats bad because
[01:06:53] <TheNewTeddy> uh
[01:06:57] <TheNewTeddy> thats bad
[01:07:03] <Donglord1Actual> "undemocratic regime"
[01:07:13] <UrsulaMajor> !check 2
[01:07:17] <Spacebee> LLJK US 2 appears down or lagging out! --
[01:07:26] <UrsulaMajor> i dunno what's good for player counts
[01:07:38] <TheNewTeddy> yea but lots of our allies are undemocratic regimes
[01:07:42] <UrsulaMajor> maybe midnight rampages are bad for player counts
[01:07:46] <UrsulaMajor> but i really really doubt
[01:07:53] <UrsulaMajor> that freezing the server out in anger
[01:08:00] <UrsulaMajor> for 5 minutes
[01:08:02] <UrsulaMajor> isn't it
[01:08:02] <Donglord1Actual> vietnamese like america
[01:08:07] <Donglord1Actual> according to polls
[01:08:07] <HeadSurgeon> the vietnamese dong
[01:08:13] <Somepotato> HAINE
[01:08:15] <Somepotato> zzzHaine!
[01:08:17] <ZeWaka>
[01:08:17] <TheNewTeddy> headsurgeon is right
[01:08:18] <Spacebee> YouTube Video: 27; 1,109,629 views.
[01:08:23] <Donglord1Actual> they like us more than canada
[01:08:23] <Donglord1Actual> lol
[01:08:25] <HeadSurgeon> is headsurgeon a story your parents
[01:08:31] <HeadSurgeon> a teenager haine was kicked out on the engine at all you want a good voice
[01:08:32] <Somepotato> yes
[01:08:39] <Somepotato> hard restarting #2 i guess
[01:08:44] <Somepotato> although this'd be bad if noone was on to do it

Here are the events as best I understand them.

1) Fabulous Dr. Racism (I SAID NO) was running some kind of gimmick.
2) Jay Wolff (HipBEE) shoved Fabulous Dr. Racism into the port a puke, resulting in his death.
3) Fabulous Dr. Racism respawned himself and said some stuff to jay wolff on the radio
4) Fabulous Dr. Racism dies to unrelated environmental hazards/suicide, then says "let's see him rampage with this"
5) He then respawns all dead players as mport glitch-mobs, forcing the server to slide to a near-halt
6) After a few more minutes, he gets-all-mobs to escape and the multitude of glitch mobs in one location crashes the server for ~5 minutes, requiring someone with server access (Somepotato) to hard restart it.

Here are my reasons for making  this complaint:

I do not feel it is professional for an admin to retaliate against a traitor for how he chooses to play the role, even if that choice is to kill players on low-pop.

I do not believe that punishments of a player should be performed via a method that causes server instability

I believe that admins should be held accountable, and that this complaint will facilitate this.

Thank you for your time.

RE: I Said No - LLJK 2 - 5/24 1:04AM PST - ISaidNo - 05-24-2016

ye i kinda fucked this one up honestly, i will report to the shame cube ASAP

RE: I Said No - LLJK 2 - 5/24 1:04AM PST - UrsulaMejor - 05-24-2016

(07-14-2015, 09:32 PM)magic mountain Wrote: The complaints process works. F the haters.

RE: I Said No - LLJK 2 - 5/24 1:04AM PST - hipBEE - 05-24-2016

this didn't bother me that much. the most annoying thing was the server having to be reset.  It would have been a pretty dull round otherwise imo.

RE: I Said No - LLJK 2 - 5/24 1:04AM PST - Marquesas - 05-26-2016

I believe this is the fastest resolution ever.